I thought it rather odd that an organization would send me a DVD out of the blue, so I did some investigation.

It's called, "Obsession: Radical Islam's War Against The West".
It was sent by an outfit called The Clarion Fund.
I did a quick Google of The Clarion Fund and low and behold...
I found the outfit's web site, sure...
- but I also discovered that many, many, many liberal blogs are railing against this DVD as a Pro-McCain device published by a 501(c)(3) group and are they pissed!
They say it was sent out around the middle of September as a newspaper filler. I just got mine today in the mail. Why? I guess because our local rag is so liberal that I refuse to subscribe to it!
I haven't watched the DVD yet, but I'm quite shocked by all the outrage from the left. They're saying it's Republican propaganda aimed at 'swing state' voters. They're saying that it's fear mongering from 'the Right'. They're saying that we all should be afraid of these kinds of tactics.
The say it's like "swiftboating".
If you remember, 'The Swiftboaters' told the truth!
Many are saying that this is more of 'the politics of fear' that they have been seeing from Mr. Bush's White House.
When I hear that phrase, 'politics of fear', I often wonder what planet these people are living on?
Have they forgotten September 11, 2001 already?
Don't they know that the stated goal of Islam is world domination? Don't they know that these IslamoFacists have sworn to kill us all?
What part of "War on Terror" don't they understand?

I wonder if any of these bloggers ever saw any of the destruction from 9/11?
I wonder how many of them feel that 9/11 was an 'inside job' planned and executed by President Bush?

I wonder if any of these bloggers have seen the beheadings that were posted by the IslamoFacists themselves?
Do the bloggers know why those beheadings were posted?
To show off their knife skills?
To show off their film making skills?
They were posted as a warning! A warning that, 'this is what will happen to you if you do not submit'!
I wonder if any of these bloggers have seen the movie from Dutch filmmaker Geert Wilders? It's called FITNA.
I have. I have a copy of it, and it's very frightening to know that these radical bastards will stop at nothing to bring down America and remake the world into one big Islamic state!
If you think otherwise, you either have your head in the sand, are a Muslim apologist, a sissy pacifist, or just plain stupid.
The Religion of Peace is a hoax. Read the Koran.
You will discover that any Muslim may lie to any infidel at any time to further Islam. I'm not kidding!
You will discover that the goal of Islam is world domination.

You will discover that Muslims worldwide are called upon to fight against the infidels and slay them if they do not submit to Islam, or convert to Islam.
Do these bloggers know about this statement from the Balkan Wars in 1970...
'The Islamic movement must, and can, take over power as soon as it is morally and numerically so strong that it can not only destroy the existing non- Islamic power, but also build up a new Islamic one’. Alija Izetbegovic's Islamic Declaration (1970)
And all these liberal bloggers are accusing Republicans of 'fear mongering'? That's the biggest joke of the year!
Liberals just don't have a clear and concise view of the world around them. They see the world as a utopia, a one-people, one-government kind of place.
There is no place for free enterprise or freedom or liberty in their world. The government takes care of all your needs, from cradle to grave.
Is that where YOU want to live? I sure don't!
So, I'll watch this DVD in the coming days and report back. Maybe it's something interesting, maybe it's just more of the same.
I'll let you know.
I'll leave you with this thought...
Keep thinking that Muslims are peaceful and mean you no harm. Go ahead. Believe that nonsense if you must.
One day you'll wake up to the call to morning prayer over a loud speaker, and if you don't show up... they'll come get you!
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