Last week I thought that this so called 'bailout' was the right thing to do. Over the weekend, I've been thinking some more, and now, I'm not so sure.
Here's what Mike Pence had to say about it...
Why I Oppose the Bailout
Our nation has been confronted by a serious crisis in our financial markets. The President and this Congress were right to act with all deliberate speed in addressing this crisis.
We now have a deal that promises to bring near-term stability to our financial turmoil, but at what price?
Economic freedom means the freedom to succeed and the freedom to fail.
The decision to give the federal government the ability to nationalize almost every bad mortgage in America interrupts this basic truth of our free market economy.
Republicans improved this bill but it remains the largest corporate bailout in American history, forever changes the relationship between government and the financial sector, and passes the cost along to the American people.
I cannot support it.
Before you vote, ask yourself why you came here and vote with courage and integrity to those principles.
If you came here because you believe in limited government and the freedom of the American marketplace, vote in accordance with those convictions.Duty is ours, outcomes belong to God.
We have fought the good fight. Now we need to finish the race and make sure that posterity and the American people know there were conservatives who opposed the leviathan state in this dark hour.
And if you do this I promise you, I will stand with you and, I believe with all my heart, the American people will stand with you as well.
I feel that's pretty well said...
Amamda Carpenter had this to say befor the vote was taken...
In the run-up to what’s being called a “legacy vote” on the massive $700 billion financial bailout, House Republican leadership is trumpeting the reforms they negotiated in the bill that a faction of House conservatives are vehemently opposing.
House Minority Leader John Boehner (R.-Ohio), who has called the bill “a crap sandwich” but indicated he will support it. He issued a statement touting Republican victories in the bill before the expected vote Tuesday afternoon.
“The new version of the economic rescue legislation, scheduled for a vote today in the House, includes major changes for taxpayers as a direct result of the principled stand taken by House Republicans in the face of what days ago was a mad stampede to pass an irresponsible bill,” Boehner’s statement said.
He’s giving Republicans credit for stripping the bill of funding for trial lawyers, Big Labor, ACORN and increasing taxpayer protections.
So how did the vote go???
In a vote that shook the government, Wall Street and markets around the world, the House on Monday defeated a $700 billion emergency rescue for the nation's financial system, leaving both parties' lawmakers and the Bush administration scrambling to pick up the pieces. Dismayed investors sent the Dow Jones industrials plunging nearly 800 points, the most ever for a single day.
"We need to put something back together that works," a grim-faced Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson said after he and Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke joined in an emergency strategy session at the White House.
On Capitol Hill, Democratic leaders said the House would reconvene Thursday, leaving open the possibility that it could salvage a reworked version.
All sides agreed the effort to bolster beleaguered financial markets, potentially the biggest government intervention since the Great Depression, could not be abandoned.
The vote broke down like this:
Ala. - Cramer, Davis
Ariz. - Berry, Ross, Snyder
Calif. - Berman, Capps, Cardoza, Costa, Davis, Eshoo, Farr, Harmon, Honda, Lofgren, Matsui, McNerney, Miller (G.), Pelosi, Richardson, Speier, Taushcer, Waters, Waxman, CO-DeGette, Perlmutter
Conn. - DeLauro, Laron, Murphy, FL-Boyd, Brown, Hastings, Klein, Mahoney, Meek, Wasserman, Schultz, Wexler
Ga. - Bishop, Marshall
Ill. - Bean, Davis, Emanuel, Foster, Gutierrez, Hare, Schakowsky
Ind. - Donnelly, Ellsworth
Iowa - Boswell, Loebsack
Kan. - Moore
La. - Melancon
Maine - Allen
Md. - Hoyer, Ruppersberger, Sarbanes, Van Hollen
Mass.- Capuano, Frank, Markey, McGovern, Neal, Oliver, Tsongas
Mich. - Dingell, Kildee, Levin, MN-Ellison, McCollum, Oberstar
Mo.- Carnahan, Skelton
N.J. - Andrews, Holt, Pallone, Sires
N.Y. - Ackerman, Arcuri, Bishop, Clarke, Crowley, Engel, Hall, Higgins, Israel, Lowey, Maloney, McCarthy, McNulty, Meeks, Nadler, Rangel, Slaughter, Towns, Velazquez, Weiner
N.C. - Etheridge, Miller, Price, Watt
N.D. - Pomeroy
Ohio - Ryan, Space, Wilson
Okla. - Boren
Ore. - Hooley
Pa. - Brady, Doyle, Fattah, Kanjorksi, Murphy (P.), Murtha, Schwartz, Sestak
R.I. - Kennedy, Langevin
S.C. - Clyburn, Spratt
Tenn. - Cohen, Cooper, Gordon, Tanner
Texas - Edwards, Gonzalez, Hinojosa, Johnson, Reyes
Va. - Boucher, Moran
Wash. - Baird, Dicks, Larsen, McDermott, Smith
W.Va - Mollohan, Rahall
Wis. - Baldwin, Kind, Moore, Obey
Ariz. - Giffords, Grijalva, Mitchell, Paster,
Calif - Baca, Becerra, Filner, Zee, Napolitano, Roybal (Allard), Sanchez (Linda), Sanchez (Loretta), Schiff, Sherman, Solis, Stark, Thompson, Watson, Woolsey
Colo. - Salazar, Udall
Conn. - Courtney
Fla. - Caster
Ga. - Barrow, Johnson, Lewis, Scott,
Hawaii - Abercrombie, Hirono
Ill. - Costello, Jackson, Lipinski, Rush
Ind. - Carson, Hill, Visclosky
Iowa - Braley
Kan. - Boyda
Ky. - Chandler, Yarmuth
La. - Cazayoux, Jefferson
Maine - Michaud
Md. - Cummings, Edwards
Mass. - Delahunt, Lynch, Tierney
Mich. - Coyners, Kilpatrick, Stupak
Minn. - Peterson, Walz
Miss. - Childers, Taylor, Thompson
Mo. - Clay, Cleaver
Nev. - Berkley
N.H. - Hodes, Shea-Porter
N.J. - Pascrell, Payne, Rothman
N.M. - Udall
N.Y. - Gillibrand, Hinchey, Serrano
N.C. - Butterfield, McIntyre, Shuler
Ohio - Kaptur, Kucinich, Sutten
Ore. - Blumenauer, DeFazio, Wu
Pa. - Altmire, Carney, Holden
S.D. - Hurseth, Sandlin
Tenn. - Davis, Lincoln
Texas - Cuellar, Doggett, Green (Al), Green (Gene), Jackson (Lee), Lampson, Ortiz, Rodriguez
Utah - Matheson
Vt.- Welch
Va. - Scott
Wash. - Inslee
Wis. - Kagen
Ala. - Bachus, Bonner, Everett, Rogers
Ariz. - Boozman
Calif. - Bono (Mack), Valvert, Campbell, Dreier, Herger, Lewis, Lungren, McKeon, Miller (G), Radanovich
Colo. - Tancredo
Conn. - Shays
Del. - Castle
Fla. - Crenshaw, Putnam, Weldon
Idaho - Simpson
Ill. - Krik, LaHood
Ind. - Souder
Ky. - Lewis, Rogers
La. - McCrery
Md. - Gilchrest
Mich. - Camp, Ehlers, Upton
Minn. - Kline
Miss. - Pickering
Mo. - Blunt, Emerson
Nev. - Porter
N.J. - Ferguson, Saxton
N.M. - Wilson
N.Y. - Fossella, King, McHugh, Reynolds, Walsh
Ohio - Boehner, Hobson, Pryce, Regula
Okla. - Cole
Ore. - Walden
Pa. - Peterson
S.C. - Brown, Inglis, Wilson
Texas - Brady, Granger, Sessions, Smith
Utah - Cannon
Va - Cantor, Davis, Wolf
Wis.- Ryan
Wyo. - Cubin
Ala - Aderhold
Alaska - Young
Ariz. - Flake, Franks, Renzi, Shadegg
Calif. - Bilbray, Doolittle, Gallegly, Hunter, Issa, McCarthy, Nunes, Rohrabacher, Royce
Colo. - Lamborn, Musgrave
Fla. - Bilirakis, Brown-Waite, Ginny, Buchanan, Diaz-Balart (L), Diaz-Balart (M), Feeney, Keller, Mack, Mica, Miller, Ros-Lehtinen, Stearns, Young
Georgia - Brown, Deal, Gingrey, Kingsten, Linder, Price, Westmoreland
Idaho - Sali
Ill. - Biggert, Johnson, Manzullo, Raskam, Shimkus
Ind. - Burton, Buyer, Pence
Iowa - King, Latham
Kan. - Moran, Tiahrt
Ky. - Davis, Whitfield
La. - Alexander, Bustany, Scalise
Md. - Bartlett
Mich. - Hoekstra, Knollenberg, McCotter, Miller, Rogers, Walberg
Minn. - Bachmann, Ramstad
Mo. - Akin, Graves, Hulshof
Mont. - Mehberg
Neb. - Portenberrym, Smith, Terry
Nev. - Heller
N.J. - Frelinghuysen, Garrett, LoBiondo, Smith
N.M. - Pearce
N.Y. - Kuhl
N.C. - Coble, Foxx, Hayes, Jones, McHenry, Myrick
Ohio - Chabot, Jordan, LaTourette, Latta, Schmidt, Tiberi, Turner
Olka. - Fallin, Lucas, Sullivan
Pa. - Dent, English, Gerlach, Murphy, Pitts, Platts, Shuster
S.C. - Barrett
Tenn. - Blackburn, Davis, Duncan, Wamp
Texas - Barton, Burgess, Carter, Conway, Culberson, Gohmert, Hall, Hensarling, Johnson (S), Marchant, McCaul, Neugbauer, Paul, Poe, Thornberry
Utah - Bishop
Va. - Drake, Forbes, Goode, Goodlatte, Wittman
Wa. - Hastings, McMorris, Rodgers, Reighert
W.Va. - Capito
Wisc. - Petri, Sensenbrenner
My Conservative instincts have kicked in. To hell with them all! Let them all fail and go belly up! Maybe then we'll see the real truth about just WHO caused this mess and where the blame truly lies!
My money is on the Democrats!
Monday, September 29, 2008
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