I couldn't decide which TV channel to turn to... What should I watch?
The Olympics?
The news about the Democrat candidate choosing a VP?
The news about the DNC Convention?
The rumblings about the Clinton - Obama feud?
The Military Channel and the rerun of 'Battlefields'?
FSC and Man U?
For me the best news, the most rewarding news, was the news about the Republican candidate choosing a VP...

I think Sarah Palin is an excellent choice!
John McCain could not have done America any prouder than to pick the Governor from Alaska. This gal is all woman. Everybit of her. From her mittens with the trigger finger exposed right down to her Goretex snow boots. And, she's easy on the eyes too!
My kind of woman!
I don't know if Palin will provide enough enthusiasm for the Republican base to get up off their dead asses and vote for McCain this fall, but if she can't, well, nobody could have saved us!
I think she is a very good foil to that idiot Biden. I don't think she'll have any trouble leaving him twisting in the wind. And I think she may very well energize the Hillary Women that still feel slighted. Even some of the women that were planning on staying home may be encouraged to the ticket with Palin on board.
Change We Can Believe In... Yeah, that's right bub. Change!

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