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Saturday, August 16, 2008

Bush Still Raking In Cash For Republicans

This must come as a shock to all Democrats and many RINOs that have been swayed by the MSM attacks on The President, but, "(President) Bush has personally raised more than $968 million for the Republican Party, GOP candidates and his own re-election campaign and inauguration during his two terms in office. And he's not finished."

The President is still as popular as ever with those of us on the Right that knew he was doing the 'right thing'... Standing tall and protecting America!

There was never anything wrong with George Bush's presidency. There was never and impropriety, any scandel, anything untoward at all.

The left simply attacked the man because they percieved that he had stolen the 2000 election and left their guy, Algore out in the cold. Even after the Supreme Court settled the issue, the liberals continued to condemn the court's ruling as being unprecedented and Bush slanted!

Tuesday, Dec. 12—The U.S. Supreme Court rules in Bush v. Gore 7–2 to reverse the Florida Supreme Court, which had ordered manual recounts in certain counties. The Court contends that the recount was not treating all ballots equally, and was thus a violation of the Constitution's equal protection and due process guarantees.

The Supreme Court of Florida would be required to set up new voting standards and carry them out in a recount. The justices, however, split 5–4 along partisan lines about implementing a remedy. Five justices maintain that this process and the recount must adhere to the official deadline for certifying electoral college votes: midnight, Dec. 12; other justices question the importance of this date. Since the Court makes its ruling just hours before the deadline, it in effect ensures that it is too late for a recount. The decision generates enormous controversy.

Those objecting to the ruling assert that the Supreme Court, and not the electorate, has effectively determined the outcome of the presidential election. As Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg writes in a scathing dissent, “the Court’s conclusion that a constitutionally adequate recount is impractical is a prophecy the Court’s own judgment will not allow to be tested. Such an untested prophecy should not decide the Presidency of the United States.”

Wednesday, Dec. 13—In another decision, Florida Supreme Court decides not to hear an appeal from Gore asking that absentee ballots from Martin and Seminole counties be thrown out.
In televised speeches, Gore concedes, and Bush accepts the presidency.

Monday, Dec. 18—Electoral college representatives meet in state capitals and cast votes to select president.

Wednesday, Jan. 5—Congress meets to tally electoral college results.

Saturday, Jan. 20—George W. Bush sworn in as 43rd president of the United States.

So there it is. Sour Grapes!
The real reason the democrats hate President Bush.
And he beat them again in 2004!
They don't seem to get it. They lost! They got beat! They're losers!

But that didn't stop them from unleashing the most viscious, most vile, most un-American attack strategy they could imagine. Every newspaper, every TV network, every liberal internet source, carried the same mantra ... Bush Stole The Election!

Then came the war, and the left had a whole set of new issues to blame on the President. Bush Lied! Bush Is Arrogant! Bush Is A Idiot! Bush is stealing our civil liberties!

President Bush has been blamed for everything from making the rest of the world hate the US, to outing Valerie Plame, to creating hurricanes! You've heard them all I'm sure...

Frankly, it hasn't stopped in nearly 8 years! As I have previously noted in an earlier post, the Art of Bush Bashing is high culture!

But none of that nonsense has swayed those of us that admire the man and reapect him for holding the nation together during one of it's darkest hours. For taking on global terrorism at no matter the cost to his reputation. For standing tall for his principles and always putting the safety and security of Americans first.

Even now the left can't accept that the President still carries power and influence within the party. They quip with brilliant observations like this one from Josh Israel... "Until somebody else emerges as the party leader, the former guy is going to be a big draw."

The 'former guy', HA!
What a disgrace the Democrats have been revealed to be.
They are truely sore losers, constant whiners and vibrant liars.

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