Then on another board, there was a thread going titled, 'The George Bush Fan Club Thread', so I decided I would respond on both boards...
Here's the content of what I posted:

In the late 90s I was up to here with the Clintons.
I was looking for an alternative to the stained dresses and the liar mentality that lived in the White House, but who?
Republicans didn’t have much going for them back then.
Newt Gingrich was the obvious choice, but he didn’t seem to want the job. He left politics before the 2000 election.
So who was the guy to take on the presumptive nominee from the left, Algore?
When George Bush’s name began to surface I was more than a little surprised.
He was the Governor of Texas and had been an owner of the Texas Rangers baseball team so he knew his way around the boardroom and big time politics.
But what was this ‘compassionate conservatism’ he was talking about?
I sure didn’t know very much about him but I was for anybody that could disassemble the Clinton Machine and defeat their boy Algore. We didn’t need any more of the Clinton cronyism!
I jumped on the Bush bandwagon early!
Conservative or not!
Then came the September Attacks. America was devastated.
Everyone I talked with had the same question on their lips.
“What’s The President going to do?”
It didn’t take long to realize what the answer was.
He invaded Afghanistan and went on a massive terrorist hunt.
It surprised me that he reached out to Kennedy for joint ownership of the education bill. I was very skeptical of any relationship with Kennedy.
He has a history of putting himself first.
Later, that relationship came back to bite Mr. Bush in the Butt!
Then we began hearing strange comments about the President.
Things like he was dense, and that he didn’t know how to speak in public.
He began to take more and more personal criticism from the late night talk shows and the Saturday Night Live crew.
It was getting pretty ugly and I wondered why The President didn’t’ defend himself? Didn’t strike back? Or at least publicly laugh at the criticism and sluff it off?
But he never did defend himself.
He said that those kinds of criticisms were beneath the office and didn’t deserve any comment. I tend to agree with him, but the comments were getting out of hand.
The left and the Democrats have hurled every insult, every derogatory remark, every rotten tomato they had in their bag of dirty tricks at Mr. Bush.
They have tried to turn the country against him… all because they still believe he stole the 2000 election and lied about WMDs.
But, through all this...
President Bush has been a ROCK!
He has let none of this nonsense affect his performance...
but I’m sure it’s taken it’s toll on his self esteem.

But he’s a fighter. He’s a strong soul.
He has kept the country together even as the left has tried to tear it apart.
His values have kept him strong.
His faith has kept him strong.

His wife has kept him strong.
His commitment to America has kept him strong.
Sure, I might have done things a little differently, but, after all, I wasn’t dodging rotten tomatoes.
Thank you for your service, Mr. President!
Thank you very, very, much.
Oh... And one more thing.
For all you liberal Democrats out there that have been whining and crying for seven years about having 'your' election stolen...
and all of you misguided leftys that have been saying President Bush should be impeached and is the worst President ever...
and those of you mindless idiots that believe all those terrible nasty things said by the lefty Nancy Pelosi, Dingy Harry Reid, and the MainStream Media...
This is for you!

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