Two hurricanes but only one was bad - IKE, two unusual VP picks for both parties and a remembrance of 9/11...

Never Forget...
A lot of stuff to talk about, but I've been very busy and I'm just tired right now.
I guess the one thing that stands out is the choice of Sarah Palin for McCain's VP. Not only has the choice seemed to energize the conservative base of the party, but it has knocked Obama back on his heels a bit!
His VP, Joe Biden has admitted that maybe he wasn't the best choice after all? That maybe Obama should have chosen Hillary instead?
What a bunch of whiners!
The Dems have even sent an army of investigators to Alaska to try and uncover any dirt they can on Mrs. Palin. I'm sure they'll come away with something, whether it's true or not is anyone's guess. They seem desparate.
But, mark my words, they will soon get very nasty.
It's been reported that Obama has formed a Plumbers Unit, much like the unit Nixon had in the 70s to stop any leaks and perform dirty tricks against his opponents. I thought The Messiah said he was a different kind of politician?
Yeah, sure... Change We Can Believe In!
Pure smoke and mirrors. I really have a hard time understanding how people can fall for this guy? Can't they see thru his BS? Or are they just stupid?
But things are strangely quiet. I'm wondering if Obama is planning some master stroke to take down McCain and Palin at the same time? Maybe he has some devious evil thoughts working to destroy his opposition. That's his MO. Why should we expect him to change?
College football is on the move. Looks like Florida, Oklahoma, USC, and Mizzou witll duke it out for a few weeks. I still like Tebow and Florida, but we'll see.
Don't forget to write!
Best regards...
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