Barack Obama has made a mistake, and his campaign knows it. For days, his online supporters have been pretending that an ad comparing Obama to bubble-headed celebrities had a racial subtext (the alleged subtext being that he wants to bed them). Obama decided that it was time to play the race card again. “Nobody thinks that Bush or McCain have a real answer for the challenges we face. So what they’re going to try to do is make you scared of me. You know, he’s not patriotic enough. He’s got a funny name. You know, he doesn’t look like all those other presidents on those dollar bills, you know. He’s risky. That’s essentially the argument they’re making.”Obama has gotten away with this despicable assertion before. At a Florida fundraiser in June, he again suggested that nobody could have any rational reason for opposing him. So: “They’re going to try to make you afraid of me. He’s young and inexperienced and he’s got a funny name. And did I mention he’s black?” Neither the press nor the Republicans protested.What about The Race Card?
People are saying that race is not an issue in this election.
I believe that sentiment
couldn't be further from the truth.
Race is
THE ISSUE in this election. How can anyone consider the Democrat Candidate without considering his race?
Lets examine what we know about the candidate.
We know right away that he is a black man because his skin color.
He is of the Negro Race.
He has absolutely no experience on the national level.
He’s only been a US Senator for a couple of years. He has no constituency.
He says he’s from Chicago, but he
wasn’t raised there. He
didn’t go to school there. He just moved there for a job - to 'organize people'.
He is naive about foreign policy. He wants to actually sit down with the likes of
Ahmenidajad, Kim
il Sung, and Chavez to discuss our relationship. These people are the heads of radical regimes! They
aren’t our friends. They hate us! They have always hated us. They will continue to hate us. Talking with them face to face will change nothing and merely give them validation and an opportunity for massive propaganda.
His experience and
naiveté alone would usually disqualify him from holding the highest office in the land. So why are so many people jumping on the
Obama bandwagon?
He won the nomination virtually without any platform or position on any important issue. The only thing we heard him mention was ‘hope’ and ‘change’. What the heck does that mean? Pretty vague don’t ya think?
So what is it that attracts so many people to this guy?
For one thing, the Mainstream Media has been very successful at smearing President Bush and many folks that are easily swayed, have fallen for their propaganda.
Those people want change at any price.
They really don’t care who or what, just as long as it’s change!
For another, consider white guilt.
Obama is a black man before all else. The liberal left is entrenched in their own guilt and this election, with their black candidate on the ticket, gives them a way to preach redemption for our past transgressions.
Oh yes, white guilt is still very powerful.
Remember, in the early days of our country we owned slaves. We owned black people. We bought and sold human beings that were brought to our shores by the Dutch, the Portuguese and other slave traders from the African Continent.
That was a very bad thing. Slavery is a very bad thing. To enslave humans, to buy and sell them like so much chattel is a very, very bad thing.
Most Americans are extremely sorry about that chapter in our nation’s history. Most Americans would like to try and forget that our ancestors were so cruel, so insensitive, so brutal. But that will not happen anytime soon.
People like Jesse Jackson and Al
Sharpton make it their business, yes it is a business, to make sure we don’t forget our past.
Their ‘business’ is to keep racism alive and thriving in America.
Without a megaphone and a soap box, Jackson and
Sharpton would need to look for a real job.
Sharpton and Jackson will stand on any street corner and shout with their megaphone, that America should feel guilt and shame about what they have done to the black man. That America needs to repair the damage done to the black man. America needs to pay the black man for all those years of slavery and repression. They keep shouting that the black man ‘is owed’!
Oh, those two will never let us forget!
So yes, this election is very much about race. Whether we like it or not, we’re going to have to talk about race relations, discuss racial tension, scream about racial injustice, and fight about who is owed what!
And this election is very much about guilt. Everyone applauds what the candidate has been able to accomplish with his life, but how does he qualify for the Presidency?
Because he is a black man, that's how.
Because White America can finally put to rest, those demons of bigotry and slavery. But, are those qualifications enough to raise him up?
This is just the beginning. Mark my words, race will be the central focus of this election, and it may very well disintegrate into more hatred and violence.
Obama is trying to diffuse the race issue by casting the first stone and trying to shrug it off with a casual flair.
As earlier... He says, “They’re trying to scare you because I’m a black man”.
He says, “I don’t look like those other guys on the dollar bill”.
Hell, he’s not even President yet and he has the audacity to put himself in the same company as some of our greatest men! That arrogance alone will be enough to anger some people. It angers me!
But that’s his way of diverting attention from the issue of race.
And that is his greatest mistake. He believes he is being proactive about playing the race card, and in reality he, himself, is injecting race into the campaign by trying to accuse the McCain camp of pointing out his color!
Obama is saying, “I’m the black guy in the contest, don’t let the other guy point it out. I’ll do it for you!”
In my opinion… big mistake!
We’ll see if this backfires or not…
Obama tries to distance himself from the
Jacksons and the
Sharptons and talk about a new kind of politics, he says he
doesn’t want any Washington ‘insiders’ on his staff. He wants to create a new atmosphere in Washington and stop all the divisive wrangling of the past.
He may be successful putting distance between himself and those two vultures, but he will need the Black Vote to get elected. That means he will eventually need to reach out to blacks in a way that they have not seen before.
Do black folks really trust this guy?
20% say they will vote for him solely because of his race.
OK, some will vote for him just because of his skin color, but he needs to prove that he is ‘black enough’ to represent them and their struggle.
Remember the
‘Magic Negro' comments?
I don’t think he will succeed. He sure is a smooth talker, but he
doesn’t have the right stuff. He will make whites angry and will not create the trust he needs in the black community.
But he sure is audacious!
How dare he assume we have already elected him! And how dare he assume he will end up being one of the ‘great presidents of all time’!
What an ego!
This is the attitude that many old Southerners would classify as ‘uppity’!
And that’s not good.
Obama is treading on thin ice and
doesn’t even know it! He really believes all those things ‘his people’ keep telling him. That he is the lord messiah. That he is the one we’
ve been waiting for. That this is his time in the sun!
And don’t believe for one minute that these are all his ideas! Heck no. This guy is no 'deep thinker'. He does what he’s told to do. He says what he's told to say. He goes where he’s told to go. He’s a puppet.
And, I think a lot of people realize that.
But, he’s a black man running for the Presidency of the United States.
That in itself is quite an achievement, but
Obama is determined to tell us all that he is BLACK!
So, yes, I believe that race is the single most important factor in choosing this man over any other.
And, this may be the only chance for White Liberal Guilt to be avenged.
But, is the color of his skin reason enough to elect him?
Will he be America’s first black President?
If he is, his color will ALWAYS be discussed. His race, the fact that he is a Negro, will ALWAYS be the single most important issue of his presidency.