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Monday, June 2, 2008

The Political Circus

I really need to vent about this political season.
I have been watching and listening to the candidates from the left and the candidates from the right for over 6 months now, and I can't put it off any longer.
I have never seen such a side show!

I'm constantly reminded of my youth, when our town would be visited by a traveling circus or a carnival train, as I have witnessed the events of the last 180 days. I've seen everything from several of the traditional snake oil salesmen, to trained animals with the ability to speak, to jugglers that use all four appendages - at the same time!

What an assemblage of 'unusual' performers!

As of this date, the candidates have been narrowed down to, is it 2 or 3? - er, well, nearly. We still don't know yet.

The Republicans have decided on a candidate, although half-heartedly, but the Democrats can't seem to make up their mind.

Mr. McCain has had the lead in delegates for the Republican nomination for some time, but he just doesn't have what it takes to excite conservatives. His base seems to be the so called 'blue dog' Democrats, the Reagan Democrats, and the NeoCon's, or those 'new conservatives' that so many people look upon with a certain puzzlement.

The Senator's history of liberal legislation and his position on illegal immigration does not sit well with many Republicans.
They just don't trust him to do what's right.

And, McCain doesn't seem very interested in mending fences or achieving any support whatsoever from the conservative side of the party. He has even gone so far as to disavow and condemn conservative leaders about their views and stated positions. Real Conservatives are going to have a difficult time voting for this 'wolf in sheeps clothing'.

As for Mrs. Clinton, well, we all know about the Clintons don't we? They will say anything, do anything to get what they want.
Bill will get down on his knees and beg like a dog, if that's what it takes!

The Senator has banked on her experience as First Lady and her limited experience in the Senate to rally her troops during the primarys. For many, that 'experience' just wasn't enough to sway them. Even though she felt she had earned the position, voters looked at her with a jaundiced eye. Her years of suffering were not enough to tip the scales in her favor.

I think they remembered the years of Bill's indescretions and balked at the thought of refering to him as Mr. First Husband.

And, the perspective of four more years of the treachery, double-talk and the politically correct nuances of the Clintons have proved too much for younger Democrats. Younger voters have thrown in with the newcomer with all the fervent zeal of a highschool homecoming. Mrs. Clinton may be a force at the convention, but obtaining the nomination looks to be merely a fading dream.

And, what about this newcomer? Who is he anyway? Where is he from? What has he done? Who are his friends? Why haven't we heard of him before? What does he stand for? Is he to be trusted? Is he to be believed? Is he what he seems to be? Why does he want to be President?

I guess we only ask these questions of the newcomer because we already know all there is to know about Mr. McCain and Mrs. Clinton. McCain has a long history of family service to America and was a war hero in his own right. Mrs. Clinton has been investigated by nearly everyone in America, and while she has been accused of many things, she is still a free woman.

But, this newcomer...
His name is Barrak Hussien Obama. He was born in Hawaii. His father is a black man(African), his mother is a white woman(Caucasian American). The father is a Muslim. He was raised as a muslim and attended muslim schools and went to the mosque as he was told. Then he says he became a Christian.

He says he goes by the name 'Barry'. He went to Harvard and became a lawyer and moved to Chicago to 'organize' people. He got elected Senator a couple of years ago and hasn't done very much while in the Senate except to vote against the war, vote against the 'surge' and complain about the 'failed policies' of George Bush. But, we know from his voting record that he is quite liberal - maybe even the most liberal Senator in the Congress!

Oh, yeah, then he began his run for the Presidency - after being a Senator for just 2 years. Obama has extremely limited experience in the Senate and we don't know if he can even run a committee - let alone a country!

We don't know much else about him except for a few recent events. We have discovered that he has been a long time friend of Bill Ayers, the Weatherman bomber. And for 20 years, has been attending a Chicago church that espouses a kind of 'black liberation theology' that borders on insurection!

And, then there's this... We're not supposed to mention that he is black(or we'll be labeled a racist), or that he was once a Muslim(or we'll be labeled haters of the religeon of peace), or that he has spiritual mentors that preach insurection and hate(or we'll be labled America lovers)!

And this guy wants us to trust HIM???
And wants us to elect him to be our leader??? The leader of the Free World???

He's UNQUALIFIED - pure and simple!

This guy has HUGE stones! If he thinks that a candidate with very limited experience - (NONE) - and a candidate with a backround like his - (one that he hopes will go un-detected or un-noticed or overlooked, or treated as inconsequential) - will be elected President, then he's a complete fool! ... or, the voters are!

But as an after thought, I wonder...
How can a Muslim leave Islam?
Don't they have a name for that kind of person?
It's called Apostate. An unbeliever. One who must be killed.
Are we to believe that Obama is an apostate?
Or is he a 'wolf in sheeps clothing' too?

My assessment of the the quality of the performances is not good. After 6 months, or longer in some cases, the candidates still seem stilted... unsure... unsettled. None of them look 'Presidential' to me at all.

I wonder if this circus will pick up stakes and move on?
Or, are we doomed to endure the sights, sounds and smells for another 4 years!?!

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