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Monday, June 23, 2008

Did You Say Fear, Mr Obama?

This Obama guy sure thinks a lot of himself.
Now he’s saying that the right, I guess he means us Conservatives?, or maybe he means Republicans?, or does he mean everybody to the right of his position?(which includes most of the free world), will use race to scare up votes for John McCain. He said, his GOP rival has already used ‘fear mongering’ when it comes to foreign policy.

He said, “We know what kind of campaign they’re going to run. They’re going to try to make you afraid.” They’re going to try to make you afraid of me. He’s young and inexperienced and he has a funny name. And, did I mention he’s black, and has a ‘feisty’ wife?”

I really don’t think it’s going to take any prodding at all from the GOP, or anyone else for that matter, to provide an element of fear and mistrust about this guy. He does a pretty good job all on his own!

He’s the guy that has spent 20 years in a ‘church’ that espouses hate and anti-white and anti-American sentiment. He’s the guy that chums around with the likes of Weatherman bomber Bill Ayers. He’s the guy that hooks up with the convicted felon, crooked real estate developer, Tony Rezko. He’s the guy that said he wants to sit down with the likes of the Iranian mouthpiece and the Venezuelan dictator and the N. Korean dictator without any ‘pre-conditions’. He’s the guy that has promised to disarm America. He’s the guy who’s wife has said that she is finally ‘proud of America’.

Nobody said those things about him or his wife... The Obama’s said and did all those things themselves! Does he really believe we’re that stupid???
This guy must be living in an alternative universe!

Why wouldn’t Americans fear a guy like him? He hasn’t been very forthcoming about his past. We know very little about him.
So what are we to think?

There are still questions about this ‘preacher’, Wright.
Mr. Obama, you mean to tell me that you sat in the pew for 20 years and you never heard this fella spout this vitriol and hate against the white man? Against America?
Do you really expect me to believe that?

Then there is the recent ‘guest performance’ in his ‘church’, by a Catholic priest that seems to be cut from the same cloth as Wright. Again, spewing hate and anti-white, anti-Clinton rhetoric from the pulpit.
Mr. Obama, you’re telling me that you have never heard anything like that in your church... ever? In 20 years?

And, there are questions about his background. Was he ever a Muslim? He has a Muslim name, Barack Hussein Obama, and his father is a Muslim and the religion is passed down from father to son – so what is the truth?

Evidence seems to point to his attending Muslim schools and attending the mosques as a child. His half-brother says he used to recite the Koran very well. He was raised in a part of the world that was predominately Muslim.

So which is it Hussein? Are you a Muslim? Have you ever been a Muslim? Why can’t you put this question to rest?

And these acquaintances he hangs with. Ayers, an unabashed ‘bomber’ that says he should have done more to bring America to her knees. And this Rezko guy, a true Chicago gangster real estate developer. I wouldn’t be surprised to learn that there are several ‘bodies buried’ somewhere on one of his many properties! Who in their right mind would want a President that hangs with those kinds of ‘fringe elements’?

Sure I’m afraid of this guy. I think he’s dangerous and naive.
He’s the kind of reckless individual that would hug and embrace Chavez and Ahmadinejad and Kim Jong IL. They’re all Marxists, why not?!
He fits right in with those maniac America Haters!

And he wants to disarm America!
He wants to cut investments in ‘unproven missile defense systems’. Does he have any idea how missile systems get ‘proven’?

He wants to slow the development of any combat systems for the future. He wants to set up a ‘defense review board’ to ensure we don’t spend money on defense! He wants to negotiate with Russia to get them to dismantle their nukes and to take our nukes off line.

He wants a world without nuclear weapons… well, don’t we all? It just ain’t gonna happen anytime soon! And your plans will only leave the US completely undefended and vulnerable. Nobody wants that.
Why wouldn’t we be afraid?

To top it off, this guy has very, very little experience.
How did he even get this far?
How does a first term Senator from Chicago rise in national politics so fast? It makes you wonder…Who is behind this guy?

I don’t know about you folks, but when I hear something that sounds too good to be true, I know that it most likely isn’t true. There is no free lunch.

This guy is NOT the messiah.
He is not going to lead us to any ‘land of milk and honey’.

He says he's above politics, but, when all is said and done, he's just another slick Chicago politician. He will not be able to deliver on these outlandish promises of ‘hope’ and ‘change’ because those are just words and his plan will disarm America and make us weak.
America will not stand for it!

And he has no clue as to the complexity and difficulty of foreign affairs and delicate negotiations with treacherous men. He want us to trust him to get a good deal with those monsters? They’ll have him for breakfast!

And all these acquaintances of his will be hanging’ around the White House? I don’t think so.
It was bad enough when Bill Klinton was using 'our house' for sexual rendezvous, but to have this group of America haters sleeping in the Lincoln Bedroom??? No way!
Not if I have anything to say about it!

You’re darn right I’m afraid of this guy!
He has the charisma, the silver tongue, and the backing from wealthy supporters to go far in this election. If we don’t stay vigilant he just might end up on Pennsylvania Ave!

We can’t let that happen!
Republicans must come together. Conservatives must come together. The right must come together and stop this Marxist Menace.
We cannot allow this great country to be led by a Marxist, period!

Whether the GOP uses fear tactics or Americans begin to feel the fear themselves, it really doesn’t matter. Americans just need to be very afraid of this guy, this Marxist, this wolf in sheep’s clothing, this imposter.
NO Obama!

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