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Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Veto This!

Well the sick misguided liberals in the Democratic Party got their way. President Bush has had to veto the bill that funded our brave troops fighting terrorism.
The Dems had so much pork in the bill... not to mention their "weasel surrender" demand that a strict timetable be placed on the withdrawal of forces from Iraq, that it had to be done.

Listen Dems, either we fight or we go home. If we go home now do you want to cope with the stigma that the US ran from a fight? Do you want the legacy of having had the chance to beat back the terrorists but you only let them get stronger? Do you really want the Middle East to collapse? I really don't think you want any of that.

But what do you want really? I know... you want George Bush's head on a pike don't you? You will do anything to make sure George Bush is perceived as a failure. You will create any atmosphere, even one of treason, to attain that goal won't you? You people are sick and mentally disturbed.

It was just mentioned on CNN that the radical left-wing group MoveOn.org has asked for an impromptu "emergency" march on Washington for today. Protestors are supposed to bring pots and pans to beat on to let Mr. Bush know their displeasure with his veto of their "pork barrel weasel surrender" bill. I hope 50,000 people show up and the TV cameras are present. That way we can all see just who these weasels really are.

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