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Friday, May 11, 2007

Barbarians At The Gate...

It's getting really wierd out here.
Tony Blair is resigning so GW is loosing a very close ally and confidant - Leading Republicans are advising the President to "zip it" about Iraq(they say he's hurting their chances in 2008) - Paris Hilton asks the "guv-er-nator" to pardon her? - There's a fist fight during a performance of the Boston Symphony? - Two disk jockys joke about rapeing Condi Rice, Laura Bush and the Queen? - And, Al Sharpton has been on the TV more in the last month than he has in ten years! My God!
The barbarians are at the gate!

What is going on in our country? Have we all lost our collective mind? Maybe so?

Why are leading republicans wanting to muzzle the president? I'll tell you why - the likes of MSNBC, George Soros, and the liberal mainstream medial have sung the song of doom and gloom for so long that the American people (and their fearless leaders) are starting to believe it! My friends say, "It must be true, everyone is talking about it." And, "You didn't really vote for George Bush did you?" And, "Well, if our leaders lie to us about WMD then how can we expect our children to tell the truth?" I'm appalled!

It seems that no one wants to " do the math" or "do any research" or "just remember just how things really happened". They would rather listen to the drivel spouted on "the drive-by-media". People are being de-sensitized with "shock" reporting and "shock" events. People have been brainwashed by the liberal press that has been spouting this revisionism of the most callous kind - LIES!

What can be done about all this mess?
Republicans need to rally around a candidate that has some common sense, not just general appeal. We may not have a clear choice right now, but if we look real hard we will find one. During the next several months, a candidate will emerge that will become our standard bearer.

Conservatives need to realize that if we don't go to the polls and support even a "bad" choice, we will be saddled with the likes of Mrs. Bill Clinton or that Obama dude. That means conservatives of all walks of life will need to look to the lesser of many evils in the upcoming national election and stand together. It just isn't a matter of choosing the right guy anymore. We need to make sure the democrats don't win!

How do we do that? One way is to begin speaking out against these liberal types with some grass roots campaigning. Conservatives need to show up at town meetings and get vocal. We can't afford to be dismissed as the "silent majority" anymore. We can't afford to have our "conservative voting power" to become "fractionalized" as in past years.
We need to come together to defeat this liberal menace.

If we don't start now, it won't get done. Only a concerted effort to dismiss the liberal whiners will be successful. My friends, we need to act and act now. Talk to your neighbors. Talk to your friends at work. Talk to your friends at your school. Talk with your friends at church. Get them involved with this crisis.
We cannot let the liberals take over the government!

We're at war with Islamo-Fascists that want to destroy our way of life. We desperately need to defeat that threat. Victory can only be achieved by a strong foreign policy and a strong domestic policy. That means we need a strong President and a strong Congress. Whiney, hand wringing, weasel liberals need not apply. It really doesn't matter that we are prosperous if we can't leave the house does it? These Islamo-Fascists want to keep us indoors and take over our world. We can't let that happen. Vote!
Vote Conservative! Vote Republican! Vote Anti-Liberal! But VOTE!

If you stay home to "teach them a lesson" again, it will all be over in an the blink of an eye. The liberals will be in power, we will be attacked again, prosperity will become a dirty word, and every American will be at risk. Get out and Vote!

Conservatives, We Must Stand As One!
Keep America strong!
Vote Conservative!

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