August 06, 2010
Associated Press
WASHINGTON -- An Army doctor has been charged with disobeying orders after failing to show up for duty in Afghanistan and questioning whether President Obama has the right to order him there.
Lt. Col. Terrence Lakin is scheduled to be arraigned Friday at Fort Belvoir, Va.
The Greeley, Colo., native did not report to Fort Campbell, Ky., in April to prepare for deployment.
Related Story From last April...
April 14, 2010
by Bryant Jordan
The Army flight surgeon who is risking his career to force President Barack Obama to prove he’s a "natural born" citizen is under investigation by the Army after failing to report for duty in preparation for an Afghanistan deployment.
Lt. Col. Terrance Lakin was ordered to report to Fort Campbell, Ky., on April 12 but instead reported to Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington, his former assignment.
As a result, Lakin "will be assigned to duty at Walter Reed pending investigation," the medical center announced in a brief statement today.
While NBC News is reporting that Lakin will face a court-martial for failing to show up at Fort Campbell, but the official statement makes no mention of that. Calls to Lakin’s home in Maryland were not answered and a spokeswoman for a group supporting Lakin said she had not heard that any court-martial proceedings had begun.
Since Lakin vowed on March 30 not to deploy or obey any other orders until Obama produces an "original" birth certificate showing he was born in Hawaii, the Army has not publicly addressed the issue, noting that Lakin had not actually violated any orders.
Behind the scenes, however, he was warned on March 31 in an official letter of counseling that he could face court-martial for being a no-show at Fort Campbell.
The letter detailed several regulations that Lakin would be violating and pointed out the could be jailed and lose all pay and benefits, including his retirement, if convicted.
Lakin has been in the Army for 18 years and already has pulled deployments in Iraq and Afghanistan. Until his reassignment to Fort Campbell to deploy, Lakin was the chief of primary care at the Pentagon's Tricare health clinic.
Lakin’s argument is that any orders given him would be illegal if the president, who is also the commander-in-chief, is not legally able to hold the office.
Civilian attorney and former Navy JAG officer Phil Cave says he believes so-called "birthers" – those who contend Obama actually was born in Africa – are hoping to use the court-martial of a military servicemember to try and legally demand documents from the White House that might make their case.
Lakin is the third officer to challenge a deployment based on allegations the president was not actually born in the U.S. In the other cases, a Reserve major who had initially volunteered to be activated was sent back home when his orders were pulled. In the second instance an Army captain, also a doctor, had her case tossed and she deployed to Iraq.
In the letter given to Lakin on March 31, he was told that his deployment orders "are presumed to be valid and lawful orders issued by competent military authority."
Margaret Hemenway, a spokeswoman for the Patriotic American Foundation, which is supporting Lakin, has said she does not expect Lakin to back down.
Well, I don't consider myself a 'birther', I just want to see the damned Birth Certificate, and I want the charlatan to convince all of us Americans that he is a natural born citizen... Simple.
Why can't he, or, why won't he do that?
You don't consider yourself a birther? Just want to see the birth certificate? That's exactly what birthers say! But they don't say "charlatan." They say "usurper." And the birth certificate? It's been provided and verified. Idjit.
ReplyDeleteObama has already shown the OFFICIAL birth certificate of Hawaii. No president has ever shown a birth certificate before. The officials in Hawaii have twice confirmed the facts on the published birth certificate. And, there is this witness, who recalls being told of Obama's birth in Hawaii in 1961 (http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/2170432/posts).
ReplyDeleteThus there is VASTLY more proof that Obama was born in the USA than any other president had. Yet the birthers "just want Obama to show" (to show something that he has already shown).
Yeah, points well taken boys... From your perspective.
ReplyDeleteBirther is your term, not mine...
But the problem is that the guy's mother led such a public life of wonder-lust, and it has been well documented that they spent many years in Indonesia, that it just creates some questions.
Questions that I believe any rational person would want answered.
And what was the nationality printed on the passport he used to go to those different countries as a young man? Just answer the questions...
And I've seen the so-called birth certificate from Hawaii. It looks rather suspicious. That's all I'm saying. Just show me the real one.
And as far as having "VASTLY more proof", well, that's just stupid.
One day, we'll know the truth. If I'm wrong, I'll publically apologize. If I'm right, well, let's just say I don't expect to hear from any of you...
You asked: "And what was the nationality printed on the passport he used to go to those different countries as a young man? Just answer the questions..."
ReplyDeleteThe answer is very simple. The nationality printed was USA. Obama received his first US passport when he traveled to Indonesia with his mother in 1965 or 1966. He says quite clearly that his mother and he applied for passports (s) PLURAL STRESSED in his first book, Dreams from My Father.
Moreover, Indonesia has said, and continues to say (just call up the Indonesian Embassy in Washington to confirm) that Obama never had an Indonesian passport because he was never an Indonesian citizen.
Further proof is that Obama returned from Indonesia to attend high school, without his mother. If he did not have a US passport, he would have had to have a US visa on a foreign passport. If there were such a document, there would be a record of it in the applications for US visas in Jakarta, and it would certainly have been found by now. There is no such document.
So, Obama had a US passport, and that is what he used, and he continued to use that passport and the renewal of it when he went to Pakistan (which was not on any "no travel list" by the way, and anyone with a US passport could go).
Re: The birth certificate looking "suspicious."
ReplyDeleteAnswer: It is the Certification of Live Birth, which has been the official birth certificate of Hawaii since 2001. More importantly, the officials in Hawaii have repeatedly confirmed the FACTS on the birth certificate, and it is the fact that he was born in Hawaii that is critical.
Moreover, there is this witness, who recalls being told of Obama's birth in Hawaii in 1961 (http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/2170432/posts).
Obama’s Kenyan grandmother never said that he was born in Kenya. she said repeatedly in the taped interview that he was born in Hawaii, and in another interview she said that the first that her family had heard of Obama’s birth was in a letter from Hawaii.
Obama is the first and so far the only US president to have shown his birth certificate.
Say that a child is born in Kenya (or in any country outside of the USA). How does that child come to the USA without a US travel document such as a US visa on her or his foreign passport or the issue of the child’s US passport while he is in Kenya or a change to his mother’s passport to include him while they both were in Kenya?
One of those would be needed to get the child into the USA. If there were such a document, it would be very easy to find the application for it because after all the 1961 applications for US visas in Kenya and for changes to passports and for new passports were not all that many. The files are still available. And, they would have been checked while the Bush Administration was in charge of the State Department, but no such document was found. There wasn’t any.
So, not only is there a US official birth certificate in Hawaii that was confirmed repeatedly. Not only did Obama’s Kenyan grandmother say that he was born in Hawaii. Not only is there a witness who recalls being told of Obama’s birth (because she wrote home about it), but there are NO US travel documents showing that Obama traveled from Kenya to the USA in 1961.
To further demolish the Kenya myth.
Say that a child is born in Kenya. How does that child come to the USA without a US travel document such as a US visa on her or his foreign passport or the issue of the child’s US passport while he is in Kenya or a change to his mother’s passport to include him while they both were in Kenya.
One of those would be needed to get the child into the USA. If there were such a document, it would be very easy to find the application for it because after all the 1961 applications for US visas in Kenya and for changes to passports and for new passports were not all that many. The files are still available. And, they would have been checked while the Bush Administration was in charge of the State Department, but no such document was found. There wasn’t any.
So, not only is there a US official birth certificate in Hawaii that was confirmed repeatedly. Not only did Obama’s Kenyan grandmother say that he was born in Hawaii. Not only is there a witness who recalls being told of Obama’s birth (because she wrote home about it), but there are NO US travel documents showing that Obama traveled from Kenya to the USA in 1961.
Oops, sorry about the repeats.
ReplyDeleteWOW! You guys seem to be the so-called experts!
ReplyDeleteWhy aren't you in his government somewhere? I'm sure he could find room for you somewhere... Or create a spot for you... He seems to be very good at putting his supporters and friends to work, but the rest of us, not so much...
And, I'm glad you're so well-read! You even read the guy's book and are so willing to take an individuals printed word as 'gospel'... I wish my college profs would have done that...
As I said, we'll learn the truth in the end... I'll either make a public apology, or you'll stop posting on my blog... I really doubt I'll hear from any of you if I'm right...
But, thanks for visiting... and thanks for your opinions!
All the best!
Which do you believe, that Obama was born in Kenya or that he lost his US citizenship?
ReplyDeleteIf he were born in Kenya there, would not be official documents showing he was born in Hawaii, and the officials in Hawaii (members of a Republican governor's administration) would not say that there is proof that he was born in Hawaii. And there would not be this witness (http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/2170432/posts), and his Kenyan grandmother would not have said that the first that her family had heard of Obama's birth was a letter from Hawaii.
If he lost his US citizenship there would be a US government document showing it because the only way that a person can renounce his citizenship is in writing and in a sworn statement before a US consular officer. There is no such document.
A person cannot lose US citizenship even if he is adopted in a foreign country (and there is no evidence that Obama was adopted, which required the action of a district court and there are no court documents). The Indonesian government says that he was never a citizen of Indonesia. And EVEN IF HE WERE, he still would not lose US citizenship.
US Citizenship can be lost by doing such things as voting in foreign elections or serving in a foreign military force (which there is no evidence of in this case). BUT even then, even in those cases, citizenship is not lost until after there has been an official hearing.
You guys still don't seem to get it do you?
ReplyDeleteAnd you are so very quick to come to his defense!
But, I understand, Deflect, Distract, Distort and then Destroy...
You idiots are all alike... I don't believe ANYTHING about the guy's birth!
I just want him to clear it up... once and for all!
So YOU have access to all these 'official' records? You must be very SPECIAL!
As I said, he surely will make room for you all in his government... Just ask...
Obama HAS already proven that he was born in the USA. He has published his birth certificate, which no other president has done, and the facts on the birth certificate were confirmed twice by the officials of the Department of Health of Hawaii, who are members of a Republican governor's administration.
ReplyDeleteNO other president or presidential candidate (including McCain) has ever published his birth certificate, much less have the facts on the birth certificate confirmed by the officials of a state.
Maybe he's proven it to you and yours... NOT to me and mine.
ReplyDeleteWhy do you think this issue ever came up?
Do you have a clue?
NO other President has ever had an African Muslim father, with a mother that was such a questionable entity!
No other President or Presidential candidate(including Harry Truman AND Abraham Lincoln) has ever been such a subversive influence on America!
Does that suit your logic?
NO other President has vowed to 'fundamentally transform America'... PERIOD!
You guys deserve each other! It's just too bad I have to endure him as well!
But, it won't be long... You'll have him all to yourself...
These are reasons for disliking Obama. They are not reasons for believing that he was born in Kenya or lost his US citizenship. To believe either of these requires evidence.
ReplyDeleteThere may be bad consequences to the Earth being round, but that does not mean that you should believe that it is flat.
In order to believe that Obama was born in Kenya, you must believe that the Republican officials in Hawaii have repeatedly lied about Obama's place of birth, and the Republican governor of Hawaii, and the witness that was cited, and Obamaa's Kenyan grandmother--who said that he was born in Hawaii. And you have to figure out a way to get a child born in Kenya to the USA without a US visa on a foreign passport or the change to his mother's US passport to include him while they were both in Kenya.
The loss of citizenship allegation is simpler. All you have to do is to show that the Indonesian government is lying when it says that Obama was never a citizen of Indonesia and to explain why there are no US documents showing that Obama gave up his US citizenship (which can only be done in writing before a US consular official).
Yeah... I dislaike the guy because he's a liar!
ReplyDeleteI dislike the guy because he's a Socialist!
I dislike the guy because he is friends with the likes of Bill Ayers and Rham Emanuel and that goofy Chicago preacher!
I dislike the guy because he's changing America into who knows what?
Yes, I dislike the guy!
BUT... I still want him to step up and be a man about this birth question. If you are holding the highest office in the land, the least you can do is be forthcoming about your past and put this all to bed once and for all. Simple.
You keep referring to 'the Rupublican' who did something in Hawaii... Who cares whether the so-called 'proof' was provided by a Republican, a Democrat, a Libertarian or a Neo-Nazi? The person's politics have absolutely NOTHING to do with the man in The White House being a liar and a charlatan.
Just prove us all wrong and we'll shut up... But, your incessant referral to a political entity's actions as 'proof' is completely absurd.
I've seen the BC posted online... I have a copy of it. I've read the reports, I have a copy of them as well. Not buyin' it... plain and simple.
Step up and be a man or go away.
There is no other option.
The guy is a weasel... NOT a President!
And, you're arrogance is showing...
An official US birth certificate that says on it "born in the USA" is legal proof that the person was born in the USA. Thousands of people use the Hawaii birth certificate every year, and it is accepted by the US State Department and the branches of the military as proof of birth in the USA.
ReplyDeleteBirth certificates are always issued by governments. Hospital birth documents are not considered birth certificates and are not accepted as proof of birth in the USA by the US State Department. So, official proof of birth in the USA MUST come from a government entity, in this case a state.
You asked: "Why do you think this issue ever came up?
Do you have a clue?'
The simple answer is that there are people capable of such a degree of hatred that they are capable of lying. One example of this is that they take a tape recording in which the Kenyan grandmother says repeatedly that Obama was born in Hawaii, and they say that she said that he was born in Kenya. They then edit the tape to cut off the answer to the question: "Where was he born?" and they forget the other interview in which she said that the first that her family in Kenya had heard of Obama's birth was in a letter from Hawaii.
Hate... yeah, you liberals ALWAYS go there doncha?
ReplyDeleteMakes life pretty easy for ya, huh?
Like I said, he'll make room for you in his government... all you need to do is show him your posts here - that's all the proof he needs to put you on the payroll.
Soon, this will all be history...
And 'anoymous' will simply disappear...
Oh... and one more thing ol' buddy...
ReplyDeleteThe inherent complex of attributes that determines a persons moral and ethical actions and reactions, or one's character, is likely the most important quality of an individual's personal life.
You can't buy it, borrow it, or steal it. It has to be earned by deed and detail - Honesty, Integrity, Respect.
Qualities not readily apparant in the current inhabitant of The White House...
I guess that qualifies as hate in your book, right?
Hey 'Birthers' or, if that term hurts your ego, 'Birth suspicious', Hawaii & Pres. Obama HAVE shown his birth certificate to federal court judges and the Justice Dept. He has also put a copy of the BC on line for all to view. The local newspaper in Hawaii even had published his birth along with others of that day. Do you believe that the newspaper was conspirering those many decades ago? Did they know that the new born Barrack Obama would someday become a USA politician and run for President of the nation?
ReplyDeleteAs a Retired US Army veteran I am ashamed that idiots such as this LTCol, who have ready access to the internet and could do their own research, still believe the Birther junk.
Welcome aboard!
ReplyDeleteThanks for joining the crowd!
We've all done our research and we've seen the so-called 'authentic' copies of the guy's BC...
And, the charlatan didn't post copies... his supporters, (like you), did.
Most of us aren't impressed or convinved.
I continue to wonder why you guys insist on calling us 'birthers'? We don't call you 'believers', or 'originalists', or 'smart alecks'... Why do you insist on calling us names and then attach some derogeratory inference to it?
As an Army Veteran, I ashamed that fellow Vets like you sir, continue to drink the kool-aid!
But, that's America... we let everyone have a say...
Thanks for posting!