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Thursday, January 29, 2009

$900,000,000,000.00 and Rising!

You say you can't pay that mortgage you really didn't qualify for?
And, you're up to your eyeballs in credit card debt?
And, you've been using the equity in your home as an ATM?

You're not alone anymore...

Our illustrious government officials have decided to manage taxpayer money in the same fashion!
No qualifying, just charge it and just print more $$$ when needed!


Yesterday the US House of Representatives passed 'The Stimulus Package' proposed by Barack Hussein Obama.

House passes $819-billion stimulus bill
By Janet Hook, LATimes

In a strictly party-line vote, lawmakers approve Obama's plan that expands jobless benefits, cuts taxes and spends on infrastructure, energy and education.

Reporting from Washington -- In the first major test of President Obama's ability to push his ambitious agenda through Congress, the House on Wednesday approved the largest attempt since World War II to use the federal budget to redirect the course of the nation's economy.

Obama had worked hard to gain bipartisan support for the $819-billion stimulus package, beginning to negotiate possible compromises with Republicans even before entering the White House. But the measure passed on a strict party-line vote, 244 to 188. Not a single Republican supported the bill, and only 11 out of 255 Democrats opposed it.

... Although solidly unified on the final vote, even some Democrats worried that the bill -- which was drafted by House Democrats working closely with Obama's aides and approved just eight days after his inauguration -- might not achieve its enormous goals.

And some lawmakers, especially fiscal conservatives and freshmen, squirmed at having to approve so much deficit spending to attack a problem they blame on former President George W. Bush and the GOP.

... "Most House Republicans will oppose this bill tonight for one reason: It won't work," said Rep. Mike Pence (R-Ind.). Republicans unsuccessfully proposed an alternative that focused only on cutting taxes.

... The bill contains an almost-bewildering array of provisions, many of them funded at all-but-unprecedented levels.

For the millions of Americans who have lost their jobs and are feeling the effect of the economic crisis most directly, the measure would provide at least $86 billion for expansion of the social safety net -- including deep subsidies for private health insurance, expanded access to Medicaid and more extensive jobless benefits.

About $275 billion in tax cuts for businesses and individuals, including credits of up to $500 for single workers and $1,000 for couples, are included in the bill. And it would prime the economic pump with $544 billion in direct spending, including aid to fiscally beleaguered states, subsidies for education and energy innovation, and funding for highway construction and other job-creating infrastructure projects.

And The Senate isn't going to be out done, no sir!

Cost of Senate's stimulus plan hits $888B
By Richard Wolf and David Jackson, USA TODAY

WASHINGTON — The cost of President Obama's economic stimulus package rose to $888 billion in the Senate on Wednesday, even as an $819 billion version passed the House without any Republican support.

The rising cost and lack of GOP votes could be a challenge for the new president, who has preached fiscal responsibility and bipartisanship.

... The 647-page measure is divided about 2-to-1 between new spending and tax cuts. It includes hundreds of billions of dollars in benefits for those hard hit by the recession, for state and local governments facing layoffs and cuts, and for initiatives designed to create or save 3 million jobs.

The Democratic bill includes tax cuts for about 95% of working Americans — $500 for individuals, $1,000 for couples — and for small businesses. The major Senate addition: $70 billion to protect about 24 million Americans from paying higher taxes under the alternative minimum tax.

$544B in new spending, and $275B in tax 'credits'!

But that's not all that's in the so called 'stimulus package'...

Economic-stimulus bills allot millions for STD prevention
Stephen Dinan, Washington Post

The two sides of Capitol Hill appear to be engaging in a bidding war to see who can put more money toward the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases in its version of the economic stimulus bill.

The House included $335 million in its package. But the Senate, not to be outdone, provided $400 million in STD spending in its bill.

When the Drudge Report noted the House funds Wednesday morning, it set off a round of criticism from Republicans who said the money made no sense in a $819 billion bill designed to get the economy back on track.

"Senate big spenders will never be underbid in wasting tax dollars. But how in the world does STD research create jobs? Wait. ... Don't answer that. I don't want to know," said Wesley Denton, an aide to Sen. Jim DeMint, South Carolina Republican.

But the Senate bill, on page 138 of the 431-page measure, directs $400 million to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention "for the screening and prevention of sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV."

Sen. Tom Harkin, Iowa Democrat and chairman of the Senate Appropriations health subcommittee, listed the allocation as one of the noteworthy achievements of the Senate spending bill, along with $75 million for smoking cessation and $870 million to prepare for a pandemic influenza outbreak.

"This initiative includes grants to communities for health promotion, immunization programs, health screenings and counseling, smoking-cessation programs, scholarships and loan repayment for health professionals, research, and evidence-based disease-prevention strategies," Mr. Harkin said in touting his work.

Just what we need! More AIDS education, programs to help quit smoking and how to put on a condom!

And of course we couldn't have any legislation without 'the blame game' rearing it's ugly head!

Representative Steny H. Hoyer, Democrat of Maryland and the majority leader, said that “the economics that got us into this mess” were the Republicans’ policies for the six years that Republicans controlled both the White House and Congress, through 2006.

Rep Hoyer neglects to note that everytime Mr. Bush sent a proposal to The Congress, it was either thrown in the trash or not even brought to the floor for a vote. The Dems stonewalled The President at every turn!

So here we are, in debt up to our eyeballs and can't pay the mortgage, but we surely need more 'pork projects' to 'create jobs' and stimulate the economy!

BHO's first attempt at bringing us together is a real goof ball.
I wonder if he will ever understand that jobs are created by private industry and any stimulus needs to support their efforts?
Creating more government programs and giving bailout money to ACORN, is just more socialism.

Hill Republican: Stimulus aids illegal immigrants!
Jan 29 12:02 PM US/Eastern

WASHINGTON (AP) - The $800 billion-plus economic stimulus measure making its way through Congress could steer government checks to illegal immigrants, a top Republican congressional official asserted Thursday.
The legislation, which would send tax credits of $500 per worker and $1,000 per couple, expressly disqualifies nonresident aliens, but it would allow people who don't have Social Security numbers to be eligible for the checks.
Undocumented immigrants who are not eligible for a Social Security number can file tax returns with an alternative number.

A House-passed version of the economic recovery bill and one making its way through the Senate would allow anyone with such a number, called an individual taxpayer identification number, to qualify for the tax credits...

God Save America, PLEASE!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

SHOT Show a Huge Success!

The SHOT Show has come and gone, and the industry seems to be much the better for it.
For those of you that don't know, the Shooting, Hunting, Outdoor Trade show is held annually. This year it was in Orlando and in 2010 it will be in Las Vegas.

It's a HUGE show! 22,000 exhibitors!
Of course you are supposed to be 'in the business' to gain entry, but if you know a person with a FFL or are good friends with a manufacturer or a gun shop owner you can get them to provide credentials for you.

If you love the outdoors and the shooting sports, it's certainly worth going at least once in your life!

SHOT Show Signals Positive Start for Firearms Industry in 2009

ORLANDO, Fla. -- Buyers, exhibitors and media from around the globe flocked to Orlando for the shooting, hunting and outdoor industry's largest trade show, the National Shooting Sports Foundation's SHOT Show.

Though many trade shows have seen a decline in attendance, SHOT Show attendance remained strong this year, rising 3 percent when compared to its last visit to Orlando in 2007. According to preliminary figures, this year's show attracted 25,384 attendees, 22,098 exhibiting personnel and a record 1,425 members of the media for a total attendance of 48,907.

"This has been a tremendously successful show from a number of standpoints," said NSSF President Steve Sanetti. "Exhibitors and buyers were very upbeat, the products sold well, and I'd say the industry begins 2009 with a sense of cautious optimism in this challenging economy."

The show, held Jan. 15-18 at Orlando's Orange County Convention Center, comprised 715,000 square feet of exhibit space, with 1,800 exhibiting companies.

Business was brisk on the floor throughout the show, according to exhibiting companies and retailers.

"It's been a good show, and, in fact, it's been above my expectations," said Phil Murray of Houston-based clay target maker White Flyer. "It's really exciting to see so many people being so positive about the industry. It is very encouraging for the rest of the year."

Not only was total attendance up from the last Orlando show, but the number of buyers increased 5 percent.

"Our meeting rooms were booked, and the quality of the buyers at the show was very good. We saw good volume in our law enforcement booths, and we're very pleased with the media turnout," said Al Russo of Remington Arms Co.

First-time buyers were impressed with the new products and the size of the show.
"I came to see what was new, and I absolutely have," said Bruno Leone, salesman at Aflaherty's Outdoor Store in Toronto, Canada. "I have been impressed with the new camo patterns and with some of the innovation in rifles that I have seen. I never was at a SHOT Show before, and I am awed by the size of the show and the number of people in attendance. The concentrated energy of the industry is exciting to witness."

I found some video presentations over at AR15.Com of some of the products released at the show:





The folks at AR15.Com did a great job covering the show. Be sure to visit their site and join the gang!

Also, I found this site by Ken Lunde. Here
It's quite an extensive review of the show and very interesting. Be sure to let Ken know how much you enjoyed his site.

And be sure to join the National Shooting Sports Foundation... Here

And take a kid shooting!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Obama Ad Nauseum...

As Wikipedia explains...
"Ad Nauseum is understood to define cognitive bias and logical fallacy -

Ad nauseam arguments are logical fallacies that rely upon the repetition of a single argument while ignoring other valid arguments, to counter those other arguments. This tactic relies on the use of intentional obfuscation, in which other logic and rationality is intentionally ignored in favor of preconceived, and ultimately, subjective modes of reasoning and rationality."

This is our American media at work.
Their love affair with this guy seems like it's never going to end!

At least these folks got it right...
This is from The Patriot Post - Vol. 09, No. 03

From the Obamamania Files:

"Washington is suddenly hip again, infused with the heady double-barreled combination of a new crowd of idealistic young political worker bees, who actually believe they can change the world, and the arrival of America's first black president. It's even cool to wave the Stars and Stripes." --New York Times reporter Helene Cooper

"This is one of the great opportunities in journalism to cover history....
[I]t's going to be the honor of our lifetimes to be here on the Washington Mall." --MSNBC's Chris "Cheap Thrills" Matthews

"President-elect Barack Obama's inaugural address is one of the most anticipated speeches in decades, with many expecting his words to be chiseled into marble some day." --CNN's Scott Anderson

"Barack Obama spoke of perfecting the Union, he spoke of common hopes and common dreams, he spoke of recognizing ourselves in one another... This was no mere victory tour, this was something more." --CBS's Harry Smith on Obama's train ride to DC

"This 47-year-old man of mixed race, whose very name -- O-Ba-Ma -- has the three-syllable universality of a child's lullaby, has always had something of the providential about him, a global figure who looks more like the guy at the local bodega than the guys on dollar bills. That's the magic."--New York Times columnist Roger Cohen

Obama inaugurated, market falls:
"The dawn of the Obama presidency could not shake Wall Street Tuesday from its dejection over the banking industry's growing problems. After hearing the new president's inaugural address, investors continued selling, sending the major indexes down more than 2 percent." --The Associated Press blaming everything but Obama's inauguration for the stock market's woes Tuesday

Blame Bush:
"Well, Barack Obama's going to have his hands full with a lot of the carnage that was left by the previous administration." --CBS News' Nancy Giles

No bias here:
"I'm not going to be silly about it - a lot of people think we're left of center. I think it depends on the week and the issue.... I'm not ideologically driven by any means." --Newsweek editor John Meacham

And for more reasonable interpretations of the day from the same article...

"[O]ne of [Barack Obama's] themes [in his inaugural speech], delicately implied, was that Americans do not just have a problem, they are a problem. 'The time has come,' he said pointedly, 'to set aside childish things.' Things, presumably, such as the pandemic indiscipline that has produced a nation of households as overleveraged as is the government from which the householders insistently demand more goods and services than they are willing to pay for." --columnist George Will

"[T]he first literary goal of an inaugural address is to express familiar American ideals without resorting to distracting clichés. And Obama generally failed this test. There were too many 'rising tides' and 'gathering clouds' and 'raging storms' and 'nagging fears' and 'dark chapters' and 'watchful eyes' and 'dying campfires' and 'icy currents.' Wages had to be 'decent,' and markets 'spin out of control.' It is simply mysterious how such tired language could sound appropriate to the ear of Obama the writer." --columnist Michael Gerson

"In monarchies, kings and queens use the first person plural. They are 'we.' Judging from his inaugural address, President Barack Obama may give this practice a modern American liberal twist. He calls big government 'we.'" --CNS News editor Terence Jeffrey

"Obama hinted at what he intends do about embryonic stem cell research and possibly 'global warming,' saying he wants to 'restore science to its rightful place.' What place would that be? Above morality and common sense? Above other scientists who disagree? There is no consensus about global warming. In fact, there are growing numbers of scientists and growing amounts of scientific evidence questioning whether this is indeed a dangerously warming planet. Will Obama rely only on those scientists who agree with his political positions?" --columnist Cal Thomas

"Obama's inaugural address deflated us because it perfectly crystallized the quandary America now finds itself in: we wanted our faith renewed through a 'transformational moment' -- but now we've got a faithless man for president. Obama has no faith in God's stake in the American destiny; instead, God merely 'calls on us to shape an uncertain destiny.' Despite his protestations to the contrary, Obama has no faith in Americans; instead, he wishes to change our hearts of stone for hearts of flesh: 'we can no longer afford indifference to suffering outside our borders; nor can we consume the world's resources without regard to effect.' Obama has only one deep and abiding faith: faith in himself." --columnist Ben Shapiro

"With the Beltway bread-and-circus show over, President Obama will now get to work on borrowing hundreds of billions of dollars from you, your children and your grandchildren for a doomed fiscal stimulus." --columnist Michelle Malkin

"Fifty-five million people voted against Obama, so I don't know where the notion got started that 80% of the country is excited about him and can't wait for him to be president." --radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh

I refused to watch any of the circus in Washington. I just wanted to watch SportsCenter last night and get some scores... All I heard was that Obama was the 44th President and this athlete wore #44 and that athlete wore #44 and that 44 was a magical number, and Obama this and Obama that, yada, yada, yada...

Obama Ad Nauseum!

Monday, January 19, 2009

The President We Deserve?

Today, the 19th of January, 2009, the eve of the inauguration of one Barrack Hussein Obama as The President of The United States of America, I post this humble opinion.

We are about to begin a great journey into the unknown.
In this time of great crisis in the world, we have chosen a leader that has little experience, limited knowledge, and only a mantra of 'change' and 'hope' to guide our nation.

In our attempts to understand his past, his view of the world, and after examination of his qualifications, we have asked him to clear up many unexplained discrepancies in his past... and he has ignored us.

His supporters greeted our skepticism with disdain.
Is it too much to ask for the truth?


Yet he was elected.
The Democrats, our youth and disillusioned Republicans fell for the 'mantra', hook, line and sinker, and the liberal leftys shrieked with glee at the promise of 'yes we can'.


Unfortunately conservatives stayed home in droves because they just couldn't bring themselves to vote for a 'maverick' that kept moving further and further away from conservative ideals.
So... we will get The President we deserve.

Will we survive? Likely we will.
We we be changed? Likely we will.

Will the coming change make our country a better place to live...
Or cause it to become something very unfamiliar and uncomfortable?

BHO has asked America to trust him...
To come together for the sake of the country.
Yet he ran on the 'platform' of constant criticism of President Bush and Mr' Bush's 'failed Policies'. This is unity?

He believes that his socialist agenda will improve America's dysfunctional educational system, with no regard for the real causes - the lack of discipline and the teacher's unions.

He plans to solve the countries economic woes by creating a 'state bank' that will just dole out money to anyone for any reason.

He promises to create 600,000 new jobs for the unemployed.

Who pays for that idea?

He wants to convince the world community that Uncle Sam is really a nice guy and to 'come back for Sunday dinner at the White House'.

All is forgiven.

He tells us he can calm global fears of religious hatred and territorial conflict by having a good old fashioned heart-to-heart sit down talk with murderers and terrorists.


Somehow I just don't believe him. He does not instill confidence and does not display any leadership skills I am familiar with.
So... I plan to resist.
I will resist this Marxist idealog with all my might and all my soul.

Joseph Farah from World Net Daily had this to say about his plan to 'pray for BHOs failure'...

Many American Christians believe, as an article of faith, that we are to pray for the success of our leaders.

It has become a sort of conventional wisdom among soft-minded believers. The biblical proof-text for this misguided way of thinking is Romans 13:1-4:
"Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God.

"Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation.

"For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power? do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise of the same: "For he is the minister of God to thee for good.

But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil."

What could be more clear-cut?
At face value, it would seem the Bible is telling us government is a God-ordained good and that we are not to resist its terrors.

Many a coward has been bolstered in his conviction against challenging tyranny by not reading too deeply into the Scriptures.

Yet, nowhere does the Bible ever suggest evil rulers are to be obeyed.

When the rule of men conflicts with the commands of God, the Bible leaves no doubt about where we should stand.

That's why I do not hesitate today in calling on godly Americans to pray that Barack Hussein Obama fail in his efforts to change our country from one anchored on self-governance and constitutional republicanism to one based on the raw and unlimited power of the central state.

It would be folly to pray for his success in such an evil campaign.

I want Obama to fail because his agenda is 100 percent at odds with God's.

Pretending it is not simply makes a mockery of God's straightforward Commandments.

So you will not see me joining in the ritual of affirming Obama and his mission in public or private prayer this week – or any other week.

Instead, I uphold the words of Jesus in Matthew 15:14:
"Let them alone: they be blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch."

And I take warning from Isaiah 9:16: "For the leaders of this people cause them to err; and they that are led of them are destroyed."

And please don't tell me about "rendering unto Caesar."

It's important to consider the circumstances and the audience behind Jesus' instructions to "render unto Caesar."

The Sadducees were attempting to trap Jesus into advocating open contempt for Caesar. He recognized their wicked and hypocritical little game and answered them with a totally truthful response that astonished everyone.

But think about it. There are two components to Jesus' words.

We are to "render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's," but we are also to "render unto God the things that are God's."

Well, everything ultimately belongs to God. But, most of all, this injunction by Jesus instructs us that government laws cannot trump God's laws – ever.

If government commands you to do evil, as a Christian you must resist.
There is no alternative.

Citing the "render unto Caesar" line is an apologetic for accountability to God – nothing more, nothing less.

Furthermore, it needs to be pointed out that in America we don't have a Caesar. Never have, never will.

You see, our system of government is called a free republic, and it is based on the concept of constitutional self-government.

We have no "rulers" in America – except ourselves and our God.
We believe in the rule of law, not the rule of men.

This is an important distinction, not a semantic one.

Nowhere in the Bible does it teach us to obey evil rulers. Nowhere.

This is a time for principled biblical resistance, not phony Christian appeasement.

I believe Mr. Farah has summed it up quite nicely.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The Truth About the Financial Crisis!

Supposedly, only FOX carried this story, way back when, and it was taken down from most all US sources.
But thanks to our Canadian friends, here it is...

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Obama v. The Constitution

What Is The Truth About Gaza?

For anyone that has followed the conflict between the Jews and the Arabs over the years it's rather simple to define the players and understand the motivation behind their actions.
At least I think it's simple.

The Jews want a home, The Palestinians want a home, but they want the same piece of land.

After WW I, Palestine was mainly the entire state of Jordan and what is today Israel. Since the British government controlled the area, they allocated nearly 80% of the area to Jordan and created the modern Arab speaking Jordanian State.

The remainder of what was called Palestine was to be allocated for the Jews. This area was after all the traditional homeland of the Jews - Once called Judea and Samaria. But, the Arabs and the Jews lived there together and were all called Palestinians.


It wasn't until 1948 that the State of Israel was created on the strip of land on the eastern shores of the Mediteranian because it was virtually a barren landscape and the only folks that lived there were a few Jews and Arab bedouin that basically just wandered around, tended their sheep and claimed no particularly piece of land.

As soon as The State of Israel was created, suddenly the Arab wanderers declared themselves Palistinians and said the piece of land the Israeli's were occupying was really theirs. Thus began the myth of a 'Palistinian homeland'. They've been fighting tooth and nail ever since.

I use the term 'myth' because over the years there has been a concerted effort to spread inuendo and falsehoods about the relationships and the conflicts between the Jews and the Arabs.

When I read this article by Rachael Marsden I just had to include it in the blog. I thinlk she's right on with her assessment of what's going on...

The Biggest Lies About the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
by Rachel Marsden

The latest chapter in the conflict between the governments of Israel and Palestine is generating loads of media ink – and huge, whopping lies. Here’s a roundup of the top myths related to this war:

1) Israel launched a preemptive war.
Congressman and former GOP Presidential candidate, Ron Paul, suggested to Press TV – the official propaganda arm of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad – that Israel’s actions were “preemptive”.

His logic: Israel has nukes and Hamas doesn’t, so it’s unfair. Look, a war isn’t automatically “preemptive” just because one party was dumb enough to pick a fight it can’t win. I mean, do you want your jihad, or don’t you?

This is getting confusing. It also isn’t the first time Rep. Paul has lamented the lack of nuclear power in other Middle Eastern countries. In early 2007, on Fox News, Rep. Paul told me that he didn’t have a problem with Iran possessing nukes.

The whole idea of Israel’s nuclear advantage is moot, until Israel nukes Gaza – and they haven’t. If you ask me, the “Zionists” are showing unbelievable restraint.

2) Israel is killing Palestinian civilians.
Press TV says that 25% of deaths in Gaza have been civilian. These terrorists could severely curtail the civilian killing at any time by getting out there and taking their jihad like real men, rather than hiding around women and children like cowards.

Hamas’ lack of warfare decorum, and insistence on guerilla tactics when push comes to shove, really isn’t Israel’s problem. Israel is so caring and humane that even in the midst of war, they paused their military efforts to provide civilians with aid.

3) Hamas was just minding its own business.
Besides having fired rockets into Israel to start all of this, Hamas is second only to Iran’s Ahmadinejad – and maybe the odd Al Qaeda member – as the heavyweight trash-talking champion of the world.

You’d think that Hamas would have learned a lesson during last year’s Olympics from French swimmer/trash-talker Alain Bernard, right before he was blown out of the water in the 4x100 freestyle relay by Michael Phelps and gang.

The only one who ever got away with incessant trash-talk was Muhammad Ali – and that’s because his mouth was writing checks that he was actually capable of cashing.

Hamas’ spokesman recently said: “Your incursion to Gaza will not be a picnic, and Gaza will be your cemetery, God willing. You have no choice but to end this aggression and end the siege without any condition. You will not live in peace until our Palestinian people live in peace.” Whatever.

I’m sure if Israel was capable of firing a strategic missile right into this guy’s gaping pie hole, the entire world would cheer. Until technology improves, we’ll have to settle for something a bit messier.

4) Iran has nothing to do with this.
While on vacation in Vancouver, BC, I actually heard a local talk-radio host say, “The next thing you know, the USA will link Hamas with Iran!”

Actually, Hamas has saved these Leftists the trouble of blowing out a few more brain cells coming up with conspiracy theories, and has already publicly linked itself with Iran.

A Sunday Times of London article from last March quotes a senior Hamas commander: “Iran is our mother. She gives us information, military supplies and financial support.”

5) George Bush just wants war with Iran.
The same radio talk-show host above suggested that Israel’s military incursion into Iran is part of a larger conspiracy by President Bush to attack Iran and steal more oil.

Because yeah, it makes total sense that Bush, on his way out of office, would conspire with his close pal Barack Obama to make the government of Israel attack Hamas so Bush can get his hands on more oil in the Middle East.

Naturally, the much more simple argument that Hamas visibly fired rockets into Israel and the Israelis got fed up doesn’t make enough sense.

6) Obama is waiting in the wings, and will save the world shortly.
About the only thing on which Al-Qaeda and the GOP have ever agreed is how useless Obama is, and how pathetically he has been propped up by the American media.

Ayman al-Zawahiri said in a recent audio message: “This is Obama whom the American machine of lies tried to portray as the rescuer who will change the policy of America. He kills your brothers and sisters in Gaza mercilessly and without affection.”

Not only has Obama failed miserably in appealing to psychotic terrorists’ gentler and more reasonable instincts, but he’s also apparently “killing” people before even having taken the oath of office.

7) George Bush has “studiously ignored the whole problem” of Israel vs. Palestine.
Or so says new agey expert turned political analyst, Deepak Chopra, in this week’s San Francisco Chronicle.

No mention of the Annapolis Conference that Bush held in November 2007 with representatives of 49 countries to develop a new Israeli-Palestinian peace plan. No mention of Condoleezza Rice’s eight trips to the area that year.

But none of this matters, because Chopra – a recognized expert in such things as “self-awareness” - concluded by humbly declaring his own analysis “irrefutable”.

8) America doesn’t give the Palestinians any money.
No country has been as generous with aid to the Palestinians as America. And Bush just gave Palestinian refugees another $85 million through the United Nations.

What, you’re whining that America isn’t specifically giving money to the terrorist government Hamas so it can buy better rockets?

How about getting that sentiment out of your system by going out and buying your teenager a new Lamborghini so he can promptly tear out of your driveway and wrap it around a pole?

So there are 8 myths that Ms. Marsden has explained. I can think of several more, but you get the picture. The Arabs want it both ways... They want all of The Middle East for themselves, and they want to exterminate the Jews.
NO peaceful co-exsistance with the Jews- The Arabs want the Jews dead!

And they keep screaming bloody murder to the world community that they are being exploited, tortured, and killed by the 'zionists'. The bleeding heart liberals like Jimmy Carter and his crowd, continue to fall for this crap.

The Arabs don't want peace. The Arabs want to exterminate the Jews and have 'Palestine' for themselves, period.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Sarah Goes... 'Big Hollywood'

A while back, the guy that started Brietbart.com, Andrew Brietbart announced that he was going to begin a new blog service for the conservatives in Hollywood. He said he wanted to offer a forum for Hollywood conservatives to 'come out of the closet' so to speak.
Brietbart calls it Big Hollywood.

There is a documentary being made, How Obama Got Elected and this interview with Sarah Palin is from Big Hollywood and part of the documentary.

A Reavealing Morning With Sarah Palin
By John Ziegler

If someone told me five months ago that in early January I would pay over $1,400 for an incredibly inconvenient plane ticket and $120 for a 3 a.m. cab fare to get from sunny Los Angeles to Wasilla, Alaska, I would have told them there was a better chance the Dow Jones would be below 9,000 and a gallon of gas less than two dollars.

If they would have told me I’d be glad to have made the journey (even with a seven-hour, weather-aided stop in Seattle), I would have told them Sarah Palin had a better chance to be John McCain’s running-mate. Of course, as we all now know this turned out to be true. And even though I still have the flu I got just before the trip, I’m thrilled to have experienced minus-eleven degrees in Alaska.

Obviously, I was there to interview Governor Palin for my forthcoming documentary about the media coverage of election 2008. My understanding is that the only reason Governor Palin did this interview (while rejecting hundreds of other requests) is because of her sincere devotion to setting the record straight on what really happened during the campaign and to determine why the news coverage was as dangerously slanted as it so clearly was.

Largely because of absurd claims by Democrats that she was violating ethics rules by answering campaign questions on state grounds (one of several ways in which the Democrats in Alaska, who used to love her, are now fully invested in the “take Sarah Palin down” industry), we did the interview at the Palin home.

At 9 a.m., without a security guard or handler in sight, Bristol Palin, eight days removed from giving birth, politely answered the door and Governor Palin, not yet fully put together, rushed out to tell myself and my crew to make ourselves at home.

One of the things you quickly learn when you visit the Palins is that the legend created around who they are and how they live is no myth. It appears to be absolutely real and everything about them seems 100% sincere. From the stuffed hunting trophies on the wall, to Track’s military photo by the TV set, to Piper’s crayon school projects on the refrigerator door - everything is exactly as you imagined.
More Here

I don't know how the documentary will turn out, but this interview seems to be MUCH more fair and balanced. At least we finally see Sarah as a genuine, intelligent, thoughtful person - not the country bumkin buffoon portrayed on The View, Saturday Night Live, the Couric interview and the Gibson interview.

Is there any doubt about media bias?

We can no longer trust the media to portray any news event with an unbiased point of view. We now know the mainstream media will lie, cheat and steal for the liberal left.

Conservatives need to take back the truth!

Nevermind The Bedside Manor... Just Hate the US!

This idiot Norwegian Doctor is a real piece of work!

High-Profile Doctor in Gaza Called an 'Apologist for Hamas'
By Jennifer Lawinski
FOX News

A high-profile Norwegian doctor who has said the September 11 terrorists were justified in their attack is now treating patients in Gaza and is being accused of presenting "hard-core propaganda" to TV interviewers in his telling of the conflict between Hamas and Israel.

Dr. Mads Gilbert has become an unofficial advocate of the Palestinian cause, his critics say. International media reports, including those from the BBC, CBS, CNN and FOX’s sister station Sky News, present Gilbert as an ordinary doctor.

But a look at his record shows that Gilbert, 61, is a political activist and member of the Norwegian Maoist "Red" party, and he has been involved in solidarity work for the Palestinians since the 1970s. He has criticized the international aid organization Doctors Without Borders for refusing to take sides in conflicts.

Gilbert volunteers at the Al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza with the Norwegian Aid Committee (NORWAC), an aid organization funded by the Norwegian government, and he has been interviewed by the media on a variety of issues. Israeli government officials have said Hamas hides weapons in the hospital where Gilbert works.
"The attack on New York did not come as a surprise after the policy that the West has led during the last decades," Gilbert told the Norwegian newspaper Dagbladet on Sept. 30, 2001.

"The oppressed also have a moral right to attack the USA with any weapon they can come up with."

When asked if he supported a terror attack on the U.S., Gilbert said, "Terror is a bad weapon but the answer is yes within the context which I have mentioned."

Gerald Steinberg, executive director of NGO Monitor, said Gilbert's characterization of the situation in Gaza is "in the form of incitement of hatred."

"We question the accuracy and the political biases — if they exist — by groups that claim to promote human rights, humanitarian and non-political goals," Steinberg told FOXNews.com. "A doctor is someone who is not supposed to take a political side."

"We found out he justified the 9/11 attacks.… Here's a guy with a radical political background who is being interviewed as if he were a neutral medical observer," Steinberg said.

"He has become an apologist for Hamas, totally violating his obligation as a physician to heal the sick and not contribute to violence."

It's little wonder why foreigners hate the US.
With radicals like this idiot wandering all around the world, being supported by The UN and this Norwegian Aid Committee (NORWAC), those who have little knowledge simply believe what the good doctor has to say.

Just stitch him up Doc. Leave the politics to the politicians!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Do The Arabs Really Want Peace?

What's going to happen in Gaza?
Does anybody have a clue?

In the latest round of conflict between the Arabs and the Jews...

First the Arabs kill Israeli civilians with rockets.
And when the Israeli's take their time to respond, the Israeli's get dissed for responding at all!


Now the Arabs are suing for peace! But can you blame them?
They're getting a shit storm laid on them!

(Doesn't this look like something out of a Si-Fi movie)

But, I wonder if peace is really that important to the Arabs...

They send rockets and suicide murderers into Israel and expect no reprisals because their rocket sites are in mosques and civilian neighborhoods. And when Israel retaliates, we see the poor victims in Gaza screaming about their children being killed.
(from Michael Ramirez at IBD)

Don't those same Arabs send their children into crowded markets wearing vests loaded with C4, nails, and ball bearings under their garments?

It's obvious that the Arabs don't really want to endure total war.
They don't have the overt support of nations like Saudi Arabia(although it's very likely they have the covert support of many Arab nations - even Iran), and they don't have the will to fight in the open. They wear their full face masks and hide behind their women and children to fire RPGs at their enemy.

From their previous wars with Israel they have learned that they need public support to win at anything. They aren't very good fighters unless they're high on something, so guerrilla tactics and urban warfare have become their hallmark.

The Arabs are a despicable bunch. It's not their religion that makes them so, although Islam does provide a great deal of the motivation for their actions. The Arabs simply use anything at their disposal to strike out at the enemy and The Koran is quite handy.

They use the term jihad to justify their actions, but in reality they're just angry at the Jews, and at the US, and at anybody else that doesn't agree with them.

So now the Arabs want the UN to step in and call for a cease fire.
How quaint.

Arab Nations Call for U.N. Resolution
- Demanding Cease-Fire in Gaza

UNITED NATIONS — Arab nations floated a proposed U.N. Security Council resolution Tuesday calling for an immediate end to combat in the Gaza Strip and deployment of an international force to monitor a cease-fire and protect Palestinian civilians.

The draft, seen by The Associated Press, made no mention of a key demand of Israel and its main ally, the United States, for border monitors to destroy tunnels that Hamas has used to smuggle rockets and other weapons into Gaza since seizing control of the territory in June 2007.

Why should anybody believe these murderers? But of course, The UN will do anything for them, including to provide a publicity vehicle for their propaganda.

The sad thing is that now the protests have come to American streets.
I wonder how long it will be before Americans say, "ENOUGH! Take this shit back to your own cesspool of a world and leave!