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Thursday, July 24, 2008

The Arrogant One...

This Obama guy sure thinks a lot of himself.
It's been mentioned that he already has a 'transition team' in place for when he takes the White House.
How presumptuous of him!

Just who does this guy think he is???

It's like he expects to be the president so why wouldn't he go ahead and plan for it? Right? Sounds logical. Makes prefect sense.
Except for one thing... He hasn't been elected yet!

His recent trip to Israel makes the point.

Here is a guy running for the President of the United States, on a trip to Europe and the Middle East, under the pretense of a Congressional junket, and making a political stopover in Jerusalem to insert a prayer message in the wailing wall, while his supporters display his campaign banner for all to see!
How rude! How insensitive! How arrogant!

Obama Plasters Political Banner!
We can only hope that the rest of the world will forgive The United States for being so arrogant, so imprudent, so brash.

This man is truly an 'obamination'. He offends me, he offends my friends and he offends everything American.

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