Saturday, September 26, 2015
Monday, February 23, 2015
Gov Jindal: ISIS threat reveals Obama's failure as Commander-in-Chief
ISIS threat reveals Obama's failure as Commander in Chief
President Obama has shown the country that he is incapable of being commander-in-chief of the United States of America. One of the defining military challenges of our time is the spread of radical Islamist terrorism, and President Obama has focused more on criticizing America and lecturing the American people than on devising a plan to hunt down and kill these extremists.
Every day, Islamic State is expanding its atrocities, killing more innocent people, all while the president and his administration are refusing to admit we are at war, giving us history lessons about the Crusades, refusing to call out radical Islam as the root problem, and contending that jobs programs are the key to defeating terrorism.
Mr. President, the American people are not as dimwitted as you seem to believe we are. We know that most Muslims have no interest in terrorism. It’s an obvious point, but for President Obama and the politically correct crowd, we do need to say it.
The American people are not looking to blame peace-loving Muslims for anything, but we also demand a leader who will be honest with us about the threat we are facing from radical Islamic terrorists.
We demand a leader who is going to spend less time criticizing America and more time hunting terrorists down and killing them.
If you cannot admit the problem, you cannot fix the problem. Our president cannot admit the problem of Radical Islamic terrorism, so he cannot possibly hope to fix it.
Islam has a problem. There is an evil belief system that has taken root in radical Islam. It contends that many of us must be killed, women should be treated like property, some of us are eligible for slavery, and others need to be crucified.
Let’s review some of what these radical Islamic terrorists have done recently in broad daylight: beheaded American captives and filmed it; beheaded 21 Christians in Libya and filmed it; burned a Jordanian pilot alive in a cage and filmed it; and attacked a school in Pakistan, killing over a hundred children and teachers.
Now, let’s review some of the statements from the president and his administration just in the past week: The president said, “we are not at war with Islam;” but he failed to say that we are indeed at war with radical Islam. His attorney general said, “we are not at a state of war;” and his State Department spokesperson said, “These terrorists won’t be defeated through military force, but through responsible governance and better job opportunities.”
Radical Islamic terrorists are cutting off people’s heads, killing children, crucifying people, and burning people alive, and we need to find jobs for them? An international jobs program is not a strategy to defeat terrorists.
Perhaps the most incredible statement yet from this administration came from our State Department, which said, “we cannot win this war by killing them. We cannot kill our way out of this war.”
This is madness. Killing the enemy is exactly the way you win a war. More than any other statement, this one demonstrates in broad daylight that the president is not up to the job.
These statements are only made worse by the President’s Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF) against ISIS. The AUMF specifically prohibits the use of ground troops in defeating ISIS.
There is simply no reason for us to provide comfort to our enemies by telling them what we will not do, ever.
Congress should amend the president’s AUMF to remove the prohibition on ground troops, and send it back to him to sign. Whether we ever use ground troops or not, the decision should be primarily informed by the wisdom of our military commanders on the ground.
The president’s prohibition on ground troops is not a military strategy, it is a political strategy designed to appease the left in this country, which also happens to populate his entire administration.
The prohibition is designed by the left to be a check on the next president.
The mission for our military should be clear – defeat the terrorists. Instead, the president is forecasting our playbook to ISIS.
Politicians on both sides of the aisle need to stop pretending that we will never use ground troops, and they have to stop telling our enemies what we will not do.
As president, you don’t hamstring your military commanders because of political pushback. When you face a challenge that threatens our values, our freedom, and our way of life, you ignore the polls and the pundits, and give your military commanders a clear mission – do what you need to defeat the enemy.
It’s time for our president to have the fortitude to tell the American people the truth about radical Islam and put his political base aside so we can defeat these terrorists.
President Obama has shown the country that he is incapable of being commander-in-chief of the United States of America. One of the defining military challenges of our time is the spread of radical Islamist terrorism, and President Obama has focused more on criticizing America and lecturing the American people than on devising a plan to hunt down and kill these extremists.
Every day, Islamic State is expanding its atrocities, killing more innocent people, all while the president and his administration are refusing to admit we are at war, giving us history lessons about the Crusades, refusing to call out radical Islam as the root problem, and contending that jobs programs are the key to defeating terrorism.
Mr. President, the American people are not as dimwitted as you seem to believe we are. We know that most Muslims have no interest in terrorism. It’s an obvious point, but for President Obama and the politically correct crowd, we do need to say it.
The American people are not looking to blame peace-loving Muslims for anything, but we also demand a leader who will be honest with us about the threat we are facing from radical Islamic terrorists.
We demand a leader who is going to spend less time criticizing America and more time hunting terrorists down and killing them.
If you cannot admit the problem, you cannot fix the problem. Our president cannot admit the problem of Radical Islamic terrorism, so he cannot possibly hope to fix it.
Islam has a problem. There is an evil belief system that has taken root in radical Islam. It contends that many of us must be killed, women should be treated like property, some of us are eligible for slavery, and others need to be crucified.
Let’s review some of what these radical Islamic terrorists have done recently in broad daylight: beheaded American captives and filmed it; beheaded 21 Christians in Libya and filmed it; burned a Jordanian pilot alive in a cage and filmed it; and attacked a school in Pakistan, killing over a hundred children and teachers.
Now, let’s review some of the statements from the president and his administration just in the past week: The president said, “we are not at war with Islam;” but he failed to say that we are indeed at war with radical Islam. His attorney general said, “we are not at a state of war;” and his State Department spokesperson said, “These terrorists won’t be defeated through military force, but through responsible governance and better job opportunities.”
Radical Islamic terrorists are cutting off people’s heads, killing children, crucifying people, and burning people alive, and we need to find jobs for them? An international jobs program is not a strategy to defeat terrorists.
Perhaps the most incredible statement yet from this administration came from our State Department, which said, “we cannot win this war by killing them. We cannot kill our way out of this war.”
This is madness. Killing the enemy is exactly the way you win a war. More than any other statement, this one demonstrates in broad daylight that the president is not up to the job.
These statements are only made worse by the President’s Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF) against ISIS. The AUMF specifically prohibits the use of ground troops in defeating ISIS.
There is simply no reason for us to provide comfort to our enemies by telling them what we will not do, ever.
Congress should amend the president’s AUMF to remove the prohibition on ground troops, and send it back to him to sign. Whether we ever use ground troops or not, the decision should be primarily informed by the wisdom of our military commanders on the ground.
The president’s prohibition on ground troops is not a military strategy, it is a political strategy designed to appease the left in this country, which also happens to populate his entire administration.
The prohibition is designed by the left to be a check on the next president.
The mission for our military should be clear – defeat the terrorists. Instead, the president is forecasting our playbook to ISIS.
The military must be given the mission, and they should then propose the specific tactics. If that includes some use of ground troops, then that’s what has to be done.
Politicians on both sides of the aisle need to stop pretending that we will never use ground troops, and they have to stop telling our enemies what we will not do.
As president, you don’t hamstring your military commanders because of political pushback. When you face a challenge that threatens our values, our freedom, and our way of life, you ignore the polls and the pundits, and give your military commanders a clear mission – do what you need to defeat the enemy.
It’s time for our president to have the fortitude to tell the American people the truth about radical Islam and put his political base aside so we can defeat these terrorists.
Friday, January 9, 2015
Europe’s Resurgent Far-Right Seeks To Capitalise on Paris Terror
Europe’s Resurgent Far-Right Seeks To Capitalise on Paris Terror
“The Islamists have . . . shown in Paris that they are not at all ready for democracy but seek answers in violence and death,” the Pegida group said on Thursday, as it prepared for a demonstration in Dresden on Monday and pushed to spread its movement to other German cities and even Scandinavia.
Pegida’s words were echoed by similar far-right and anti-immigrant movements across the continent. In the Netherlands, Geert Wilders, leader of the anti-Islam Freedom Party, criticised Dutch premier Mark Rutte and other western leaders for their allegedly conciliatory approach to radical Islam. “When will Rutte and other western government leaders finally get the message?”
Mr Wilders said. “It’s war.”
In Italy, Matteo Salvini, head of the anti-immigrant Northern League, said that for Europeans “to respond with tolerance and political correctness is suicide”.
In an unusual criticism of the Vatican for an Italian politician, Mr Salvini added that the reformist Pope Francis “wasn’t doing a good service” to Catholics by “promoting dialogue with Islam”.
Meanwhile, the head of the Danish People’s party called for the closure of a controversial mosque in the country’s second-largest city. Kristian Thulesen Dahl said Denmark needed to take a “much more aggressive approach” to Muslims expressing sympathy for extremism.
Even before Wednesday’s attack, rightwing and populist political groups were surging in Europe, helped by resentment over globalisation, faltering economies and rising immigration — from within the EU as well as several war-torn Muslim lands, including Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan.
More HERE....
Germany’s nascent anti-Islamisation movement has called on sympathisers to wear black arms bands at its next rally to mourn victims of the Paris terror attack in a sign of how Europe’s resurgent rightwing is trying to capitalise on the tragedy.
Pegida’s words were echoed by similar far-right and anti-immigrant movements across the continent. In the Netherlands, Geert Wilders, leader of the anti-Islam Freedom Party, criticised Dutch premier Mark Rutte and other western leaders for their allegedly conciliatory approach to radical Islam. “When will Rutte and other western government leaders finally get the message?”
Mr Wilders said. “It’s war.”
In France, where the nation was plunged into mourning, Marine Le Pen, leader of the surging National Front, called for an end to “hypocrisy” in addressing Islamism.
“We must not be scared of saying the words: this is a terrorist attack carried out in the name of radical Islam,” she said.
In an unusual criticism of the Vatican for an Italian politician, Mr Salvini added that the reformist Pope Francis “wasn’t doing a good service” to Catholics by “promoting dialogue with Islam”.
Meanwhile, the head of the Danish People’s party called for the closure of a controversial mosque in the country’s second-largest city. Kristian Thulesen Dahl said Denmark needed to take a “much more aggressive approach” to Muslims expressing sympathy for extremism.
Even before Wednesday’s attack, rightwing and populist political groups were surging in Europe, helped by resentment over globalisation, faltering economies and rising immigration — from within the EU as well as several war-torn Muslim lands, including Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan.
More HERE....
Friday, January 2, 2015
Buffalo Police Go Door to Door, Confiscate Legal Guns from Law-Abiding Citizens
Buffalo Police Go Door to Door, Confiscate Legal Guns from Law-Abiding Citizens

In Buffalo, New York, police have begun confiscating legal guns whose owners have died. Police Commissioner Daniel Derrenda said the move is designed to ensure guns “don’t end up in the wrong hands.”
The action is in compliance with a New York state law that has until now rarely been enforced.
The police department is tracking death certificates in order to identify deceased gun owners. Under the law, the estate of the deceased person has 15 days to either dispose of the guns or relinquish them to authorities, who are permitted to hold the weapons for up to two years.
If family members violate the law, they can face misdemeanor charges and up to a year in jail.
Opponents of the action argue that 15 days is hardly adequate time for grieving relatives to inventory guns and make informed decisions as to their disposal. Wills will not be probated in that time, so families may not know who will inherit.
Buffalo defense attorney Dominic Saraceno expects the law will be challenged in court at some point. He worries family members might just turn over guns, without knowing their financial value.
These gun collections can value into the hundreds of thousands. If a police officer came to my door without a warrant signed by a judge, I’m not giving them anything. Most people don’t know that and get intimidated.
Tom King, president of the New York State Rifle & Pistol Association, says: "They’re quick to say they’re going to take the guns. But they don’t tell you the law doesn’t apply to long guns, or that these families can sell (their family members’) pistol or apply to keep it."
Second amendment advocates point out that in this case, registration does lead to confiscation. responded to the action by saying authorities could “use the relative’s pistol permit as the proverbial camel’s nose under the tent to get at every firearm they can, hoping to remove all the firearms from the home while the family is at their most vulnerable.”
Buffalo police have acted aggressively in the past to round up guns in the city. One buy-back program netted 840 guns this past August. Critics point out that most people who cooperate in these programs are law-aiding citizens, not criminals who use guns.
Mayor Byron Brown responded to the critics: "I say to those critics, again, if we can get one of these guns off the streets that could be used to commit a crime or injure a member of our community, it’s a good thing."
The Erie County Sheriff’s Department has said it does not plan to follow the city of Buffalo’s lead.
Sounds like 1930's Germany to me... Can you spell N A Z I ???

In Buffalo, New York, police have begun confiscating legal guns whose owners have died. Police Commissioner Daniel Derrenda said the move is designed to ensure guns “don’t end up in the wrong hands.”
The action is in compliance with a New York state law that has until now rarely been enforced.
The police department is tracking death certificates in order to identify deceased gun owners. Under the law, the estate of the deceased person has 15 days to either dispose of the guns or relinquish them to authorities, who are permitted to hold the weapons for up to two years.
If family members violate the law, they can face misdemeanor charges and up to a year in jail.
Opponents of the action argue that 15 days is hardly adequate time for grieving relatives to inventory guns and make informed decisions as to their disposal. Wills will not be probated in that time, so families may not know who will inherit.
Buffalo defense attorney Dominic Saraceno expects the law will be challenged in court at some point. He worries family members might just turn over guns, without knowing their financial value.
These gun collections can value into the hundreds of thousands. If a police officer came to my door without a warrant signed by a judge, I’m not giving them anything. Most people don’t know that and get intimidated.
Tom King, president of the New York State Rifle & Pistol Association, says: "They’re quick to say they’re going to take the guns. But they don’t tell you the law doesn’t apply to long guns, or that these families can sell (their family members’) pistol or apply to keep it."
Second amendment advocates point out that in this case, registration does lead to confiscation. responded to the action by saying authorities could “use the relative’s pistol permit as the proverbial camel’s nose under the tent to get at every firearm they can, hoping to remove all the firearms from the home while the family is at their most vulnerable.”
Buffalo police have acted aggressively in the past to round up guns in the city. One buy-back program netted 840 guns this past August. Critics point out that most people who cooperate in these programs are law-aiding citizens, not criminals who use guns.
Mayor Byron Brown responded to the critics: "I say to those critics, again, if we can get one of these guns off the streets that could be used to commit a crime or injure a member of our community, it’s a good thing."
The Erie County Sheriff’s Department has said it does not plan to follow the city of Buffalo’s lead.
Sounds like 1930's Germany to me... Can you spell N A Z I ???
Friday, December 19, 2014
US Appeals Court Deems Gun Law Unconstitutional
Finally... One for our side!!!
US Appeals Court Deems Gun Law Unconstitutional
A federal appeals court in Cincinnati deemed a law unconstitutional that kept a Michigan man who was committed to a mental institution from owning a gun.
The three-judge panel of the Sixth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals unanimously ruled that a federal ban on gun ownership for those who have been committed to a mental institution violated the Second Amendment rights of 73-year-old Clifford Charles Tyler.
Tyler’s lawyer, Lucas McCarthy, hopes that the ruling would have a “significant impact on the jurisprudence in the area of gun rights.”
The decision is the first by a federal appeals court to rule a federal gun law is unconstitutional since 2008. The U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling in D.C. vs. Heller struck down the Washington, D.C. ban on firearms ownership.
Federal law bans gun ownership for convicted felons, people under 18, illegal immigrants, drug addicts and those ordered by a court to a mental institution. The law also says that people must have a chance to prove that their disqualifying disabilities have ended in order to possess a firearm legally.
Since 2008, states have been able to get federal grants to set up “relief from disabilities program,” which was defunded in 1992.
Michigan has not set one up, which left Tyler without a way to prove that his so-called “disability” should no longer apply.
“The government’s interest in keeping firearms out of the hands of the mentally ill is not sufficiently related to depriving the mentally healthy, who had a distant episode of commitment, of their constitutional rights,” wrote Judge Danny Boggs, an appointee of President Ronald Reagan, for the panel.
US Appeals Court Deems Gun Law Unconstitutional
A federal appeals court in Cincinnati deemed a law unconstitutional that kept a Michigan man who was committed to a mental institution from owning a gun.
The three-judge panel of the Sixth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals unanimously ruled that a federal ban on gun ownership for those who have been committed to a mental institution violated the Second Amendment rights of 73-year-old Clifford Charles Tyler.
Tyler attempted to buy a gun and was denied on the grounds that he had been committed to a mental institution in 1986 after suffering emotional problems stemming from a divorce. He was only in there for a month.
Tyler’s lawyer, Lucas McCarthy, hopes that the ruling would have a “significant impact on the jurisprudence in the area of gun rights.”
The decision is the first by a federal appeals court to rule a federal gun law is unconstitutional since 2008. The U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling in D.C. vs. Heller struck down the Washington, D.C. ban on firearms ownership.
Federal law bans gun ownership for convicted felons, people under 18, illegal immigrants, drug addicts and those ordered by a court to a mental institution. The law also says that people must have a chance to prove that their disqualifying disabilities have ended in order to possess a firearm legally.
Since 2008, states have been able to get federal grants to set up “relief from disabilities program,” which was defunded in 1992.
Michigan has not set one up, which left Tyler without a way to prove that his so-called “disability” should no longer apply.
“The government’s interest in keeping firearms out of the hands of the mentally ill is not sufficiently related to depriving the mentally healthy, who had a distant episode of commitment, of their constitutional rights,” wrote Judge Danny Boggs, an appointee of President Ronald Reagan, for the panel.
Wednesday, December 10, 2014
More Hoosiers arming themselves, but do they know their Indiana gun rights?
Since I'm currently living in Indiana, I thought this article from FOX 59 hit the nail on the head, so to speak...
More Hoosiers arming themselves, but do they know their Indiana gun rights?
Hoosiers are arming themselves in record numbers.
Some fear for their safety or worry that gun laws will someday change. Whatever the reason, tens of thousands of people in Indiana learn how to fire a weapon every year.
But even gun rights advocates fear that as gun owners get handy with a weapon, few know the law about where and how they can use it or carry it in Indiana.
“We’re blessed in the United States and the State of Indiana that we can own guns, we can carry guns to protect ourselves and our family, but it is incumbent on us to be responsible owners of those guns,” said Boone County Sheriff Ken Campbell.
Ben Magenheimer knows all about Indiana gun law firsthand. The Evansville man works in the security business and legally carries a weapon openly every day for his protection and as a symbol of his gun rights.
Magenheimer “open carries” everywhere he goes, including on a trip to the Evansville zoo with his family a few years ago. Zoo officials called police when they saw his gun in his holster. He was thrown out, even though he wasn’t breaking Indiana law by carrying a weapon into a city zoo.
“They confronted me like I was doing something wrong and knew it,” said Magenheimer.
Guy Relford is one of the leading gun rights attorneys in Indiana. He says police, government officials and even gun owners themselves often don’t know Indiana law like they should.
“We’ve had situations where people are thrown out of public places,” said Relford. “We’ve had people ordered to conceal their gun or face arrest. I’ve had clients who say they were going to seize his gun and seize his license to carry.”
In fact, it’s not hard to get confused about Indiana gun law. For example, Indiana does not require a permit to own a gun. Instead it gives a “license to carry.”
Additionally, there’s no such thing as a concealed weapon permit in Indiana, which means any licensed gun owner could be carrying a weapon and you’d never know it.
“You can’t legislate safety. You can try. You can try to steer safety in that direction, but it finally comes down to the person,” said Campbell.
Many gun rights supporters say Indiana has taken a common sense approach to gun law–one that relies heavily on personal responsibility when it comes to carrying a firearm.
In fact, with few exceptions, it’s perfectly legal to carry a weapon in virtually any public place in Indiana, like a restaurant or a bar. Gun owners can even enjoy a beer while carrying a gun as long as they don’t get drunk.
“Obviously, it’s not responsible gun ownership to drink to the point of intoxication while in the possession of a gun. It’s not safe for you, it’s not safe for those around you,” said Relford. “But we don’t need big brother to tell us that in Indiana, that’s a matter of personal responsibility.”
Supporters of Indiana gun laws say regardless of whether you find the law confusing or even lax, it’s important to remember the constitutional rights those laws are designed to protect.
“I think it’s very fortunate that our legislators have taken this common sense approach and listened to the citizens in Indiana in what they want an how they want the laws, ” said Campbell.
When I received my Gun License, the first place I stopped was to visit my local Chief of Police and asked him how would he prefer I carry my pistol. He was amazed that I even asked! He said, "Please carry it concealed... We don't need to scare the 'sheeple' any more than they already are!"
My kind of guy...
More Hoosiers arming themselves, but do they know their Indiana gun rights?
Hoosiers are arming themselves in record numbers.
Some fear for their safety or worry that gun laws will someday change. Whatever the reason, tens of thousands of people in Indiana learn how to fire a weapon every year.
But even gun rights advocates fear that as gun owners get handy with a weapon, few know the law about where and how they can use it or carry it in Indiana.
“We’re blessed in the United States and the State of Indiana that we can own guns, we can carry guns to protect ourselves and our family, but it is incumbent on us to be responsible owners of those guns,” said Boone County Sheriff Ken Campbell.
Ben Magenheimer knows all about Indiana gun law firsthand. The Evansville man works in the security business and legally carries a weapon openly every day for his protection and as a symbol of his gun rights.
Magenheimer “open carries” everywhere he goes, including on a trip to the Evansville zoo with his family a few years ago. Zoo officials called police when they saw his gun in his holster. He was thrown out, even though he wasn’t breaking Indiana law by carrying a weapon into a city zoo.
“They confronted me like I was doing something wrong and knew it,” said Magenheimer.
Guy Relford is one of the leading gun rights attorneys in Indiana. He says police, government officials and even gun owners themselves often don’t know Indiana law like they should.
“We’ve had situations where people are thrown out of public places,” said Relford. “We’ve had people ordered to conceal their gun or face arrest. I’ve had clients who say they were going to seize his gun and seize his license to carry.”
In fact, it’s not hard to get confused about Indiana gun law. For example, Indiana does not require a permit to own a gun. Instead it gives a “license to carry.”
Additionally, there’s no such thing as a concealed weapon permit in Indiana, which means any licensed gun owner could be carrying a weapon and you’d never know it.
“You can’t legislate safety. You can try. You can try to steer safety in that direction, but it finally comes down to the person,” said Campbell.
Many gun rights supporters say Indiana has taken a common sense approach to gun law–one that relies heavily on personal responsibility when it comes to carrying a firearm.
In fact, with few exceptions, it’s perfectly legal to carry a weapon in virtually any public place in Indiana, like a restaurant or a bar. Gun owners can even enjoy a beer while carrying a gun as long as they don’t get drunk.
“Obviously, it’s not responsible gun ownership to drink to the point of intoxication while in the possession of a gun. It’s not safe for you, it’s not safe for those around you,” said Relford. “But we don’t need big brother to tell us that in Indiana, that’s a matter of personal responsibility.”
Supporters of Indiana gun laws say regardless of whether you find the law confusing or even lax, it’s important to remember the constitutional rights those laws are designed to protect.
“I think it’s very fortunate that our legislators have taken this common sense approach and listened to the citizens in Indiana in what they want an how they want the laws, ” said Campbell.
When I received my Gun License, the first place I stopped was to visit my local Chief of Police and asked him how would he prefer I carry my pistol. He was amazed that I even asked! He said, "Please carry it concealed... We don't need to scare the 'sheeple' any more than they already are!"
My kind of guy...
Wednesday, November 26, 2014
Blacks Throw a Temper Tantrum
I was going to write something profound about the situation In Ferguson, but it's not worth the effort.
Blacks want respect and equal this and equal that... but they continue to act like children... Lets throw another temper tantrum... maybe they'll give us a candy bar...
Nuff said!
Blacks want respect and equal this and equal that... but they continue to act like children... Lets throw another temper tantrum... maybe they'll give us a candy bar...
Nuff said!
Saturday, November 15, 2014
Thursday, October 9, 2014
IRS Targeting Continues, Lois Lerner Still Walks Free!
IRS Targeting Continues, Lois Lerner Still Walks Free!
Fellow American,A freelance reporter recently caught up to Lois Lerner in her posh D.C.-area neighborhood and the former IRS bureaucrat was… less than pleased to see a camera and a microphone. She was so incensed that she actually tried to barge her way into a neighbor’s house to get away from the camera.
Monday, October 6, 2014
The White Side of the Story . . .
By Patrick J. Buchanan
You say we need to have a conversation about race in America ... Fair enough. But this time, it has to be a two-way conversation. White America needs to be heard from, not just lectured to.... This time, the Silent Majority needs to have its convictions, grievances and demands heard.
And among them are these:
First, America has been the best country on earth for black folks. It was here that 600,000 black people, brought from Africa in slave ships, grew into a community of 40 million, were introduced to Christian salvation, and reached the greatest levels of freedom and prosperity blacks have ever known.....
Jeremiah Wright ought to go down on his knees and thank God he is an American.
Second, no people anywhere has done more to lift up blacks than White Americans. Untold trillions have been spent since the '60s on welfare, food stamps, rent supplements, Section 8 housing, Pell grants, student loans, legal services, Medicaid, Earned Income Tax Credits and poverty programs designed to bring the African-American community into the mainstream. Governments, businesses and colleges have engaged in discrimination against white folks -- with affirmative action, contract set-asides and quotas -- to advance black applicants over white applicants. Churches, foundations, civic groups, schools and individuals all over America have donated their time and money to support soup kitchens, adult education, day care, retirement and nursing homes for blacks.
We hear the grievances.
Where is the gratitude??
Obama talks about new 'ladders of opportunity' for blacks. Let him go to Altoona? And Johnstown, and ask the white kids in Catholic schools how many were visited lately by Ivy League recruiters handing out scholarships for 'deserving' white kids...? Is white America really responsible for the fact that the crime and incarceration rates for African-Americans are seven times those of white America? Is it really white America's fault that illegitimacy in the African-American community has hit 70 percent and the black dropout rate from high schools in some cities has reached 50 percent?
Is that the fault of white America or, first and foremost, a failure of the black community itself?
As for racism, its ugliest manifestation is in interracial crime, and especially interracial crimes of violence. Is Barack Obama aware that while white criminals choose black victims 3 percent of the time, black criminals choose white victims 45 percent of the time?
Is Obama aware that black-on-white rapes are 100 times more common than the reverse, that black-on-white robberies were 139 times as common in the first three years of this decade as the reverse?
We have all heard ad nauseam from the Rev. Al about Tawana Brawley, the Duke rape case and Jena. And all turned out to be hoaxes. But about the epidemic of black assaults on whites that are real, we hear nothing.
Sorry, Barack, some of us have heard it all before, about 40 years and 40 trillion tax dollars ago. This needs to be passed around because, this is a message everyone needs to hear!!!
OK ..... Will you pass it on?
YES, I did . . . . . .
Because I'm for a better America!!!
I'm Not racist, Not violent,
Just not silent anymore!
In GOD we trust. . .
Saturday, September 27, 2014
Sunday, August 24, 2014
Thursday, August 7, 2014
Saturday, July 26, 2014
It’s unbelievable that Obama actually says this out loud!
This Obama speech was given at the Bilderberg Group conference in Brussels, Belgium, on May 23, 2014.
Obama’s comments are chilling...
- THIS IS THE NEW WORLD ORDER that has been percolating through a number of American presidencies and other world leaders, and now seems to be coming into fruition.
Wake Up America!
This Obama speech was given at the Bilderberg Group conference in Brussels, Belgium, on May 23, 2014.
Obama’s comments are chilling...
- THIS IS THE NEW WORLD ORDER that has been percolating through a number of American presidencies and other world leaders, and now seems to be coming into fruition.
Wake Up America!
Saturday, July 12, 2014
Obama’s Impeachment Imminent?
The case for Obama’s impeachment:
The Constitution’s remedy for a lawless, imperial president...
By Sarah PalinPublished July 11, 2014 -

The next time you hear politicians denounce Barack Obama as a lawless, imperial president with a scandal-riddled administration, ask them what they’re going to do about it.
Their gnashing of teeth over Obama’s self-granted omnipotence is repetitive.
Let’s agree with our ninth president, William Henry Harrison, who said there is nothing more corrupting, nothing more destructive than the exercise of unlimited power. We understand the problem. The only way for politicians to fix it is with a little less talk and a lot more action.
The Constitution provides the remedy for a president who commits “high crimes and misdemeanors.” It’s impeachment.
The only thing necessary to transform America into something unrecognizable is for good men to do nothing!
To be clear, “high crimes and misdemeanors” are not necessarily ordinary criminal offenses. Our Framers used the term to signify a dereliction of duty, and the first duty of the president is to enforce our laws and preserve, protect, and defend our Constitution.
Alexander Hamilton described impeachable offenses as those “which proceed from the misconduct of public men, or, in other words, from the abuse or violation of some public trust.” He explained that they are “political” offenses “as they relate chiefly to injuries done immediately to the society itself.”
No serious person who is paying attention can deny that Obama and his administration have abused and violated the public trust and disregarded the Constitution. Let me count the ways.
Without notifying Congress as required by law, he set free terrorist prisoners at a time of war when they can return to the battlefield to kill our troops.
In violation of our Constitution, he regularly ignores court orders, changes laws by executive fiat, and refuses to enforce laws he doesn’t like, including our immigration laws.
When Congress declined to pass amnesty for illegal immigrants’ offspring, he unilaterally enacted his own version of it, which created the current crisis on our border as illegal youth pour into our country to receive what he illegally promised them.
He committed fraud on the American people when he promised that if we liked our health care plan we could keep it.
He got us into a war in Libya without Congressional approval. When our ambassador begged for security at the consulate in Benghazi, he was ignored and then murdered when the consulate was attacked as predicted.
Americans were left behind to die, as the president did nothing to rescue our people there. Afterwards, he helped spread the lie that a spontaneous protest over a YouTube video was to blame for this highly organized, premeditated terrorist attack.
Obama’s IRS targeted his political opponents for harassment. Then the agency lied to and stonewalled Congress and likely destroyed subpoenaed evidence, while Obama falsely declared there’s no corruption there, not even a smidgen.
From the VA scandal to his unconstitutional recess appointments, to his DOJ wiretapping reporters and giving guns to Mexican drug cartels, to violating religious freedom exercised by businesses and ignoring in-house illegal fundraising, the list of abuse goes on and on.
Barack Obama’s administration is proving itself a festering boil of scandal. The Constitution is rock solid in holding the president responsible for the executive branch. He can’t just vote “present” while shrugging and feigning ignorance about all these abuses of the public trust, any more than a mob boss can claim innocence because he didn’t personally do the hit.
The buck stops with the guy at the top.
Impeachment is the ultimate check on an out-of-control executive branch. It is serious, not to be used for petty partisan purposes; and it is imperative that it becomes a matter of legitimate discussion before the American people lose all trust in our federal government.
Impeachment requires moral courage to advance what is right, and it requires political will. A complacent or disheartened electorate may silently endure these abuses from the administration, the permanent political class is only too happy to maintain the status quo, and the mainstream media is not a fair watchdog. So, the nation’s last line of defense is for We the People to rise up and say, “enough is enough.”
Obama’s lawless encouragement of illegal immigration should be the tipping point for that political will because it impacts all Americans – native-born and legal immigrants of all backgrounds who followed the rules and now watch rewards go to rule breakers while they’re forced to compete for limited jobs and resources.
It’s the tipping point because the forgotten working class is hurt most by this lawlessness; and these good Americans deserve the strongest, most effective tool to defend the livelihoods they’ve so honorably built!
Some are arguing for cautious inaction and dismiss even a discussion of impeachment. With Obama’s poll numbers in the tank and his liberal policies exposed as failures, why rock the boat? But that argument misses the point.
The president is radically changing the way the executive branch does business. He is setting a dangerous precedent that will fundamentally change us.
With his “pen and phone,” he’s abrogating Congressional authority in violation of the Constitution’s separation of powers. He’s making himself a ruler, not a president. We had a revolution back in 1776 because we don’t like kings.
Some argue we should wait for midterm elections and hope a big victory by Republicans in both Houses of Congress will rein in Obama.
Been there, done that in 2010. If Congress refuses to use the power the Constitution gives it, Barack Obama will continue to rule however he wants.
Some argue that at best the House might vote for articles of impeachment, but the Senate is unlikely to convict.
But that is no argument against holding a president accountable and sending the people’s message to all successors.
Obama can keep laughing and say, “so sue me” to the House’s tepid lawsuit threat. Let’s hear him laugh off impeachment. At the very least, despite his mocking the Constitution, this Constitutional process will put him on notice.
The only thing necessary to transform America into something unrecognizable is for good men to do nothing!
If not these violations and the president’s promise to continue to “go it alone” in ignoring the separation of powers and rule of law, what will it take for you to take a stand? How bad does it have to get?
We live in an America where the NSA spies on our communications, the IRS targets us because of our political beliefs, the border is overrun by foreign nationals, terrorist leaders are released to the battlefield, our health care is taken from us and we’re forced to buy a plan we don’t want and can’t afford, Catholic nuns are targeted by the government simply because they adhere to their Catholic faith, the Justice Department arms Mexican drug lords, and the president keeps a “kill list” of people he’s authorized to be executed on sight.
If you’re comfortable with all that, then by all means sit back and hope for the best.
Those concerned about America want change. That comes with healing the injuries done to society by an unchecked president; that starts with impeachment.
Sunday, April 20, 2014
Reagan Warned Us About Obama
How Reagan summed up Obama in the first 5 minutes of a speech over 40 years ago.
By Calvin King
Thursday, April 17, 2014
The Middle East War on Christians
Muslim-majority nations are doing to followers of Jesus what they did to the Jews
by RON PROSOR - The Wall street journal
This week, as Jews celebrate the Passover holiday, they are commemorating the Bible's Exodus story describing a series of plagues inflicted on ancient Egypt that freed the Israelites, allowing them to make their way to the Holy Land. But over the past century, another exodus, driven by a plague of persecution, has swept across the Middle East and is emptying the region of its Christian population.
The persecution is especially virulent today.
The Middle East may be the birthplace of three monotheistic religions, but some Arab nations appear bent on making it the burial ground for one of them.
For 2,000 years, Christian communities dotted the region, enriching the Arab world with literature, culture and commerce.
At the turn of the 20th century, Christians made up 26% of the Middle East's population. Today, that figure has dwindled to less than 10%. Intolerant and extremist governments are driving away the Christian communities that have lived in the Middle East since their faith was born.
At the turn of the 20th century, Christians made up 26% of the Middle East's population. Today, that figure has dwindled to less than 10%. Intolerant and extremist governments are driving away the Christian communities that have lived in the Middle East since their faith was born.
In the rubble of Syrian cities like Aleppo and Damascus, Christians who refused to convert to Islam have been kidnapped, shot and beheaded by Islamist opposition fighters.
In Egypt, mobs of Muslim Brotherhood members burn Coptic Christian churches in the same way they once obliterated Jewish synagogues. And in Iraq, terrorists deliberately target Christian worshipers. This past Christmas, 26 people were killed when a bomb ripped through a crowd of worshipers leaving a church in Baghdad's southern Dora neighborhood.
In Egypt, mobs of Muslim Brotherhood members burn Coptic Christian churches in the same way they once obliterated Jewish synagogues. And in Iraq, terrorists deliberately target Christian worshipers. This past Christmas, 26 people were killed when a bomb ripped through a crowd of worshipers leaving a church in Baghdad's southern Dora neighborhood.
Christians are losing their lives, liberties, businesses and their houses of worship across the Middle East. It is little wonder that native Christians have sought refuge in neighboring countries—yet in many cases they find themselves equally unwelcome. Over the past 10 years, nearly two-thirds of Iraq's 1.5 million Christians have been driven from their homes. Many settled in Syria before once again becoming victims of unrelenting persecution. Syria's Christian population has dropped from 30% in the 1920s to less than 10% today.
In January, a report by the nondenominational Christian nonprofit organization 'Open Doors' documented the 10 most oppressive countries for Christians; nine were Muslim-majority states noted for Islamic extremism, and the 10th was North Korea.
These tyrannical regimes uphold archaic blasphemy and defamation-of-religion laws under the guise of protecting religious expression. In truth, these measures amount to systematic repression of non-Islamic groups.
These tyrannical regimes uphold archaic blasphemy and defamation-of-religion laws under the guise of protecting religious expression. In truth, these measures amount to systematic repression of non-Islamic groups.
Last year in Saudi Arabia, two men were prosecuted for the "crime" of converting a woman to Christianity and helping her flee the Islamic kingdom. According to the Saudi Gazette, one of the men, a Lebanese, was sentenced to six years in prison and 300 lashes, and the other man, a Saudi, was sentenced to two years and 200 lashes. Those are relatively mild sentences in Saudi Arabia, where conversion to another religion is punishable by death.
The "justice system" in other Islamic nations is not particularly just for Arab citizens, but it is uniquely oppressive for Christians. Radical Islamists in the northern Syrian city of Raqqa are using an ancient law called the "dhimmi pact" to extort local Christians. The community is faced with a grim choice: pay a tax and submit to a list of religious restrictions or "face the sword."
In the Islamic Republic of Iran, expressions of political dissent are regarded as acts of blasphemy. Last summer, three Iranian Christians caught selling Bibles were found guilty of "crimes against state security" and sentenced to 10 years in prison. They were relatively lucky. The regime has executed dozens of people for the so-called crimes of "waging war against God" and "spreading corruption on Earth."
The scene unfolding in the Middle East is ominously familiar. At the end of World War II, almost one million Jews lived in Arab lands. The creation of Israel in 1948 precipitated an invasion of five Arab armies. When they were unable to annihilate the newborn state militarily, Arab leaders launched a campaign of terror and expulsion that decimated their ancient Jewish communities. They succeeded in purging 800,000 Jews from their lands.
Today, Israel, which I represent at the United Nations, is the only country in the Middle East with a growing Christian population. Its Christian community has increased from 34,000 in 1948 to 140,000 today, in large measure because of the freedoms Christians are afforded.
From courtrooms to classrooms and from the chambers of Parliament to chambers of commerce, Israeli Christians are leaders in every field and discipline. Salim Joubran, a Christian Arab Israeli, has served as a Supreme Court justice since 2003 and Makram Khoury is one of the best-known actors in Israel and the youngest artist to win the Israel Prize, our highest civic honor.
Father Gabriel Nadaf, a Greek Orthodox priest living in Israel, recently told me: "Human rights are not something to be taken for granted. Christians in much of the Middle East have been slaughtered and persecuted for their faith, but here in Israel they are protected."
Nations that trample on the rights of their people sow the seeds of instability and violence. The uprisings that have erupted across the Middle East are evidence that the region's Holy Grail has become the pursuit of freedom, democracy and equality. Let us hope that this quest bears fruit before it is too late for the region's remaining Christians.
Mr. Prosor is Israel's ambassador to the United Nations.
Tuesday, April 15, 2014
Saturday, March 22, 2014
Just a Reminder...
Obama Birth Certificate: Confirmed Forgery According To Top Experts
From StoryLeak By Michael Thomas
No attempt to even hide the forgery by those who fabricated the fraudulent document
The birth certificate in question is actually a purported copy of Barack Obama’s original birth certificate which is currently held by Hawaii’s Department of Health. This copy was posted in April of 2011 on the official website where it still appears today. The following document is an exact copy of what appears on the website.
Just in case the facts contained in the subtitle are not entirely clear, the allegations concerning the fraudulent and forged birth certificate have been re-stated by competent experts as follows. The first excerpt is from an article that was recently published on a major alternative news platform.
He said Douglas Vogt, an author and the owner and operator of a scanning business who also has an accounting background, invested over two years in an investigation of the authenticity of document.Vogt, along with veteran typesetter Paul Ivey, conducted “exhaustive research of the document provided to the White House Press Corps on April 27, 2011 – not the online PDF, a critical distinction that must be understood,” Hagmann said.“Using their combined experience of 80 years in this realm, they conducted extensive examinations of the ‘copy’ that was used as the basis for the PDF document. They acquired the same type of equipment that was used back in the late 1950s and early 1960s in an attempt to recreate the document presented as an ‘authenticated copy’ proving the legitimacy of Barack Obama.
Instead, they found 20 points of forgery on that document and detail each point of forgery in the affidavit,” wrote Hagmann.“Even more interesting, Mr. Vogt claims to have identified the ‘signature’ of the perpetrator, or the woman who created the forged document, hidden within the document itself. Her identity, in addition to the identity of other conspirators and their precise methods are contained in a sealed document supplementing the public affidavit.”[1]
What follows is a second excerpt from the same
article quoting a second graphics expert which is equally as compelling.
More recently, Grace Vuoto of the World Tribune reported that among the experts challenging the birth certificate is certified document analyst Reed Hayes, who has served as an expert for Perkins Coie, the law firm that has been defending Obama in eligibility cases.“We have obtained an affidavit from a certified document analyzer, Reed Hayes, that states the document is a 100 percent forgery, no doubt about it,” Zullo told the World Tribune.“Mr. Obama’s operatives cannot discredit [Hayes],” the investigator told the news outlet. “Mr. Hayes has been used as the firm’s reliable expert. The very firm the president is using to defend him on the birth certificate case has used Mr. Hayes in their cases.”The Tribune reported Hayes agreed to take a look at the documentation and called almost immediately.“There is something wrong with this,” Hayes said.Hayes produced a 40-page report in which he says “based on my observations and findings, it is clear that the Certificate of Live Birth I examined is not a scan of an original paper birth certificate, but a digitally manufactured document created by utilizing material from various sources.”“In over 20 years of examining documentation of various types, I have never seen a document that is so seriously questionable in so many respects. In my opinion, the birth certificate is entirely fabricated,” he says in the report.[1]
These extremely serious and substantive
developments in the Cold Case
Posse investigation will have extraordinary repercussions for the Obama
Administration. The governmental, political and legal ramifications are so
far-reaching that Watergate will pale in comparison.
The relevant filed affidavits give every indication
that this nation is about to enter an unprecedented constitutional crisis.
Because there are two presidential terms involved, numerous executive orders
issued and various treaties signed by this president, a nullified term(s) as
president presents various legal and constitutional issues never confronted by
the US Federal Government.
Top investigators
make serious allegations about what has been officially labeled a forged,
fraudulent birth certificate.
Mike Zullo is the lead investigator in the Cold
Case Posse investigation initiated by Phoenix Sheriff Joe Arpaio. Because of
recent developments with the case indicating the likelihood of criminal charges,
“sheriff’s investigators now are assisting the Cold Case volunteers”. Zullo has
recently issued the following statements:
“When this information is finally exposed to the public, it will be universe-shattering,” Mike Zullo told WND. “This is beyond the pale of anything you can imagine.”Zullo explained that because it’s an active investigation that could produce criminal charges, he’s unable to reveal details at the moment.But the allegations, he said, which go far beyond a fraudulent birth certificate, could be public as early as March.[1]
Zullo goes on the record with the following
explosive assertions:
Zullo has testified that the White House computer image of Obama’s birth certificate contains anomalies that are unexplainable unless the document had been fabricated piecemeal by human intervention, rather than being copied from a genuine paper document.“Mr. Obama has, in fact, not offered any verifiable authoritative document of any legal significance or possessing any evidentiary value as to the origins of his purported birth narrative or location of the birth event,” he explained.
“One of our most serious concerns is that the White House document appears to have been fabricated piecemeal on a computer, constructed by drawing together digitized data from several unknown sources.”Zullo also has noted that the governor of Hawaii was unable to produce an original birth document for Obama, and it should have been easy to find.[1]
The entire Executive Branch will surely receive a
tremendous amount of criticism for the part they played in this conspiracy to
deceive the American people. Of course, the hundreds of individuals involved in
the vetting process of this president will likewise take on their fair share of
culpability in what has to be the “political crime of the millennium”. That
would include a significant number of those in leadership throughout the
Democratic Party to include both Bill and Hillary Clinton.
It is quite difficult to see how the Democratic
Party will emerge from their direct involvement with covering up such a serious
forgery. Years of outright collusion in this highly convoluted and complex
crime will certainly call into question the integrity of the entire DNC
leadership. The many staff attorneys who participated in the vetting process
and, therefore, in the coverup will also be subjected to intense legal and
ethics scrutiny.
Why has the
leadership of both major political parties failed to proceed with the
appropriate congressional investigations in light of so much compelling and
irrefutable evidence of numerous crimes having been committed in the filing of
the forged birth certificate?
Especially criminal
activity so serious and premeditated as filing a completely fake birth
certificate which was used as proof of meeting the constitutional requirements
of federal election law, as well as the additional statutory requirements of the
fifty states.
When faced with substantial allegations of a felony
being committed, law enforcement authorities are obligated to see the
investigation through to it end. They are required by law to determine the
merits of the case and then make a criminal referral to the appropriate State
Attorney. Apparently that process is exactly what is being played out
throughout the nation regarding Obama’s forged birth certificate.
At least half of the State’s Attorneys across the
country have been looking very closely at the Obama birth certificate forgery
case for many years now. Each of them knows that their failure to pursue the
legal merits, given the conclusive results of an official investigation, exposes
them to charges of official misconduct. Misprision of felony is just one of the many
offenses that each of the involved state officials can be charged with.
It is inconceivable that the mainstream media (MSM)
has not only avoided this story for over five years; it has gone to extremes to
cover up the many “high crimes” involved. Likewise, never in US history has the
entire political establishment been AWOL concerning a matter of such national
significance and legal import. By neglecting to properly investigate these
crimes, the nation is now faced with the prospect of a full blown constitutional
crisis of epic proportions.
YES … it is that serious and much more!
“Totally unparalleled
and unprecedented, with nary a whit of historical precedent” is the way that one
commentator described the unfolding constitutional crisis.
Michael Thomas
December 15, 2013
December 15, 2013
Author’s Note:
The Israel Science and Technology website performed exhaustive analyses and technical assessments on the posted copy of the Long-Form Birth Certificate. Here are the final and categorical conclusions which they published on their web page entitled:
The Israel Science and Technology website performed exhaustive analyses and technical assessments on the posted copy of the Long-Form Birth Certificate. Here are the final and categorical conclusions which they published on their web page entitled:
“The analyses presented below reveal without a doubt that the Long-Form Birth Certificate of Mr. Obama is a fabricated, fake and forged document.The publication of such a blatantly fake document about something so basic as the birthplace of Mr. Obama, should raise great concern about the suitability of the person who is holding the reins on the most powerful country of the World.Moreover, the lack of action on the part of the members of the United States House of Representatives and Senate, as well as the courts of the United States, despite many previous appeals to these three branches of American government, also raise a concern about how the governmental institutions of the reputedly best, and certainly the most important democracy in the Free World have avoided this issue.”
Read more:
Tuesday, March 18, 2014
Krauthammer’s Take: Obama Is Being ‘Ridiculed by Russians’
Obama Is Being ‘Ridiculed by Russians’
President Obama has thus far responded tepidly to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, targeting only several individuals in Russia for sanctions and providing Ukraine with rations as opposed to the arms it requested.
Because of Obama’s rhetoric and policy, Charles Krauthammer said the president is being “ridiculed by Russians.”
“If he thinks that sanctioning seven Russians out of a population of, what, 150 million is a sanction, he’s living in a different world,” Krauthammer said.
Instead we should be sending Ukraine weapons, something the administration denied because it thinks “somehow to arm the victim of aggression is a provocation,” Krauthammer explained.
Obama Is Being ‘Ridiculed by Russians’
President Obama has thus far responded tepidly to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, targeting only several individuals in Russia for sanctions and providing Ukraine with rations as opposed to the arms it requested.
Because of Obama’s rhetoric and policy, Charles Krauthammer said the president is being “ridiculed by Russians.”
“If he thinks that sanctioning seven Russians out of a population of, what, 150 million is a sanction, he’s living in a different world,” Krauthammer said.
Instead we should be sending Ukraine weapons, something the administration denied because it thinks “somehow to arm the victim of aggression is a provocation,” Krauthammer explained.
The idea that such small, targeted sanctions will work is “preposterous,”
Krauthammer said. “This really is a humiliating response by a president who
can’t even get the Europeans to join him in effective
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