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Monday, November 10, 2008

What Happened To Your Agenda Mr. Obama?

Last week, Rush Limbaugh pointed to a blog, http://sweetness-light.com/ for information about Obama's planned agenda. S&L pointed out that Obama's website had these plans for his citizen army, The War in Iraq, economic issues and much more...

Well, over the weekend, the web site was scrubbed of all the content!

From The Washington Times...
Over the weekend President-elect Barack Obama scrubbed Change.gov, his transition Web site, deleting most of what had been a massive agenda copied directly from his campaign Web site.

Gone are the promises on how an Obama administration would handle 25 different agenda items - everything from Iraq and immigration to taxes and urban policy - all items laid out on his campaign Web site, www dot Barack Obama dot com

Instead, the official agenda on Change.gov has been boiled down to one vague paragraph proclaiming a plan “to revive the economy, to fix our health care, education, and social security systems, to define a clear path to energy independence, to end the war in Iraq responsibly and finish our mission in Afghanistan, and to work with our allies to prevent Iran from developing a nuclear weapon, among many other domestic and foreign policy objectives.”

“We are currently retooling the Web site,” said Obama spokesman Nick Shapiro.

The site went active on Wednesday and was available to the public Thursday.
The agenda items, which were active for at least part of the weekend, appear to have been deleted by late Saturday.

I wonder why the Obama camp took the information down?
Didn't they really want us to read it?

This is just another example of what we can expect from Obama. He's a Chicago politician after all... Talks out of both sides of his mouth... Will do anything, say anything to get what he wants.

Smoke and mirrors. Now you see it... Now you don't!

This is what you elected America!
Fasten your seat belts!

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